Here's a switch: EJ wising up on 'Days of Our Lives'
By Carolyn Hinsey
Daily News Staff Writer, Friday, August 7th 2009, 5:43 AM
"I guess he's no longer an idiot," says Arianne Zucker, who plays EJ's scheming wife, Nicole. "He finally sees there is something very wrong about her behavior."
Ya think? Nicole faked a pregnancy, stole a baby, secretly switched it with Sami's baby (whose father happened to be EJ) and then stood by when the baby Sami and EJ thought was theirs died.
"Nicole puts EJ off, but then Dr. Baker calls and wants more money," says Zucker, referring to the doctor who helped switch the babies. "Stefano [EJ's dad] says, 'Once a blackmailer, always a blackmailer.'"
Stefano pays the $100,000 behind EJ's back, vowing that Baker won't get one more dime.
Cue the murder mystery?
"Maybe," says Zucker.
Seeing Stefano and Nicole with their heads (and wallets) together raises EJ's suspicions again.
"Nicole does the angry flip and says, 'You don't trust me! You are still in love with Sami!' EJ says, 'Honey, I love you, you're my life.' What a horrible relationship."
Since Zucker recently revealed she is pregnant in real life, speculation is that EJ will learn the truth around the time Zucker goes on maternity leave.
"Either she'll run away or go to jail," says Zucker, who sees the irony of her character faking a pregnancy last year and her hiding a real one this year.
"I'm not very big yet, but I am wearing looser clothes," she says. "My chest is huge - and no, I did not get a boob job!"
ALL MY MOVES: As outlined in Inner Tube yesterday, ABC will move production of "All My Children" from New York to L.A. in December. "One Life to Live" will then move into "AMC's" upper West Side studio (which shares space with "The View"). Both soaps will go high-definition in 2010.
The big question is: How many "AMC" actors will move to L.A.?
"They've given us one week to decide," says Thorsten Kaye (Zach), whose partner, Susan Haskell, toils on "OLTL" as Marty. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm not the kind of dad who wants to be 3,000 miles away from my kids. And it's not exactly the best time to sell real estate."
That said, "I think the move shows that ABC has a lot of belief in 'AMC' and wants to keep it going," says Kaye.
See next week for more.
In other "OLTL" news, Robin Strasser has signed a new contract as "OLTL's" Dorian Lord.
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