December 29, 2008 to January 2, 2009: Josie visits Paul at the hospital and still thinking she is Jennifer, he asks if his visions helped her to find Johnny. Concerned, Josie goes to Dusty. Meg reminds Dusty that Paul's visions have been right in the past and they go to the hospital where Paul tells Dusty he sees a lion around Johnny. Lucy continues to stay under wraps as Alison tries to get more blood samples, looking for a match for Johnny. Dusty find Johnny. Lucy discovers that Katie is a match and can save Johnny's life. Brian and Lucinda argue over their New Year's plans. Lucinda, hurt that he doesn't want to be alone with her, sends him off to Metro. Luke tauntingly kisses Brian. Noah, walking out of the diner, misinterprets the kiss and punches Brian for taking advantage of Luke. Lucinda finds Brian bloodied, but he covers, saying he was mugged. Noah realizes Luke was the one who came on to Brian and he bitterly storms off. Derek tells Jade he wants nothing to do with her. Craig gives Parker the keys to one of his cars. Instead of meeting Jack, Parker takes Liberty for a spin. Jack and Carly are livid with Parker, and with Craig for allowing Parker to be out on the road in icy conditions so soon after getting his license.
January 5, 2009 to January 9, 2009: As Dusty tries to bond with Johnny, Katie tells Craig she knows where Johnny is and Craig storms into their room. Lucy tells Dusty they have no choice but to involve Craig, and for Johnny to be treated in Oakdale. Paul tells Barbara he's better and they have a second chance with Johnny. Casey tells Maddie he has feelings for Alison. Vienna and Henry sell a lot of books after they start acting out sexy segments from it. Brian confesses that he made more than one pass at Luke. Lucinda kicks Brian out. Carly asks Holden to lend her money. Holden speaks to Lily about it and she tells him not to do it because she doesn't want Carly to keep relying on him. Craig gives Carly a check for $200,000. Jack sees Craig's check to Carly and goes ballistic. Carly gets defensive and decides to keep the check. Carly gives Parker a job at Metro so he can make his allowance money. Parker takes Liberty there and they make out. Craig catches them but does not snitch.
January 12, 2009 to January 16, 2009: A happy Dusty brings Johnny home to the Lakeview. Craig arrives and takes Johnny before Lily tells Craig he's going to have to show he's a changed man if he wants to win custody. Craig asks Carly to marry him. Carly says she won't be used like that, and doubts it would work. Craig asks Tom to be his lawyer in the upcoming custody hearing, but Tom is already representing Dusty in their dispute over Johnny. Johnny tells Dusty he likes having two dads. Lucinda continues to freeze out Luke. Noah kisses Luke. Lucinda is burning Brian's possessions when he arrives at WorldWide. Brian asks for her help in seeking closure, but a humiliated Lucinda refuses and sends him away. Brian shows up at Java and asks for Noah's help in getting Luke to talk to him. Noah refuses, but tells Brian that he and Luke are back together. Brian is pleased that things ended well for them. He admits he's gay just as Lucinda arrives; they are finally able to find closure. Casey tells Tom he likes Alison. Tom discourages the relationship. Parker and Liberty are alone in his bedroom and start to make love when Jack bursts in. Liberty says they'll have to wait to have sex again. Margo learns Robby Sanchez, the man who planned the robbery Jade was involved in, has escaped from prison. Robby shoots Derek, and nearly shoots Jade. Derek realizes Jade risked her life because she believes he is her father, so he finally agrees to take a paternity test.
January 19, 2009 to January 23, 2009: Carly agrees to marry Craig. Dusty appeals to Meg to help him by trying to get Craig to confess he set the bomb that almost killed Paul. Craig evades Meg. Josie convinces Paul that he should sign the divorce papers so Meg will give him access to Eliza. When Craig tries to talk to Johnny, Dusty slugs him. Margo takes Dusty to the station. Lily bails him out. Dusty tells Emily that Craig is closer than ever to getting custody of Johnny. Dusty decides he will have a better chance of keeping Johnny if he gets married. Dusty gets Meg to accept his marriage proposal. Derek and Jade learn they are father and daughter. When Derek offers Jade money, she throws it in his face. Katie and Brad decided to patch up their differences. Emily tells Alison if she cares about her she will stop seeing Casey.
January 26, 2009 to January 30, 2009: Craig is furious when Carly calls off their wedding at the altar. Jack, Parker and Sage are happy Carly didn't marry Craig. Meanwhile, Dusty gets Meg a quick divorce in Reno and they get married. Holden is furious to learn Meg has been embroiled in a sham marriage with Dusty. Later, Dusty takes Eliza to visit Paul and tells Paul about his quickie marriage to Meg. Paul vows to Josie that Dusty can't stand in his way. The day of Johnny's custody hearing arrives. Paul bursts in with proof that the marriage is invalid. Paul tells the judge that Josie can prove Dusty and Meg only got married to keep Johnny away from Craig. Craig questions Josie, who admits this is true. The judge grants full custody to Craig. Dusty is devastated and goes to Jennifer's grave, telling her he's failed her. Jack is upset when he and Janet are outbid on the house they want and he can't give Parker and Liberty money for concert tickets. Jack tells Janet it kills him that Craig thinks he can buy love and family while Jack and Janet have to struggle to make ends meet. Brad and Katie continue to try to make a baby. Casey tells off Emily for encouraging Alison not to explore a relationship with him. Jade overhears and Emily offers her a lot of money to distract Casey from Alison.
February 2, 2009 to February 6, 2009: Paul tells Barbara that Meg is still technically married to him and he'll find a way to get her back. Meg tells Paul she's continuing her plans to divorce him and will only let him have limited supervised visitation with Eliza. Paul blows up and Meg loses it, telling him she really loves Dusty, and storms out. Meg and Dusty instinctively blame Paul for kidnapping Eliza and ask Barbara to call him. Paul ignores Barbara's call and sneaks into Josie's car with Eliza, startling her, as she was on her way out of Oakdale having just left Dusty a goodbye letter. By insinuating he has a weapon, Josie's compelled to drive Paul out of town. Paul apologizes for forcing Josie to be his accomplice. Paul realizes it's time to stop running. He agrees to bring Eliza home before he's caught, but doesn't want Josie to go with him. He gives her all the money he has and tells her to go someplace where she can start over. Then he calls Meg and tells her he's bringing Eliza home. Paul has Eliza in a rented car and stops to get cash at an ATM. A thug hits him, takes the cash and drives off in the car with Eliza in back. Bob cautions Katie that fertility drugs could hurt her. Jade wants to stop trying to break up Alison and Casey, but Emily warns to stick with their deal.
February 9, 2009 to February 13, 2009: A hysterical Meg begs everyone to find Eliza. Paul spots his stolen car down the street, but when they reach it they discover Eliza is no longer in the back seat. Josie and Meg urge Paul to use his psychic powers to find Eliza. Dusty scoffs at the premise, but when Paul has a vision of an animal clock, Dusty realizes Paul's talking about the Central Park Children's Zoo. The kidnappers force Josie and Eliza into the basement of a house, but not before Josie drops her bracelet in the front yard. Dusty finds Josie's bracelet, and Meg hears Eliza crying. Paul and Dusty subdue the thugs who come out to fight them, and Eliza is returned to Meg. The cops arrive and take the thugs and Paul off to prison. Paul tells Barbara it's time to give up on him, but she refuses. Dusty tells Josie there can't be any relationship between them because it started with a lie. Katie really wants a baby, but Brad is reluctant. She tricks Brad into thinking she's using her diaphragm. Reg is pronounced dead from a drug overdose. Luke and Noah are shocked until they find drugs in Reg's coat pocket and Luke leaps to the conclusion that Elwood sold Reg bad drugs. Alison spots Jade and Casey making love.
February 16, 2009 to February 20, 2009: Paul pleads guilty to kidnapping Eliza and faces sentencing. Dusty wants Meg to speak out against Paul at the hearing, but she isn't sure she can do that. Paul warns Barbara not to help him out in any way, as he is prepared to go to prison for what he's done. Barbara expresses her fears to Josie. Josie ends up speaking on Paul's behalf at the sentencing. The judge gives Paul a suspended sentence and supervised visitation of Eliza. Josie goes to Fairwinds to check on Paul after the hearing. Josie decides to leave town. Craig tells Lily that Carly lied to her about Midnight Sun being her idea; it was his. Lily angrily confronts Carly over her betrayal, and Carly begs for her forgiveness. Lily and Henry urge Carly to out-scheme Craig. Henry tells Brad that Vienna tried to cheat and get pregnant, and Brad gets a sneaking suspicion that Katie might have done the same thing. Katie had sneaked off to get a fertility shot, telling Brad she went to the studio. Katie asks the doctor not to tell Brad she's having fertility treatments. Luke and Noah find out from Kevin that Elwood lives in his dorm. Against Noah's wishes, Luke breaks into Elwood's room to look for evidence. Luke is caught and taken to the police station. Casey sees Alison with Matt and tries not to react. Jade comes to the hospital and tries to have sex with Casey, but he refuses.
February 23, 2009 to February 27, 2009: Jade pretends she's broken up with Casey and is depressed and asks Matt for drugs. Matt says he doesn't have any when Alison enters and tells him Jade is trying to trap him. Luke and Noah go to Margo and tell her everything, including the last time they saw the drugs they took from Reg's pocket. They are forced to admit Casey was the last person to have the drugs and when Margo goes home, she finds Casey's backpack and the drugs. Casey is devastated about how everything looks when Alison arrives and Casey accuses her of working with Matt to entrap him. Casey tells Margo that Matt planted the pills she's found. Margo arrests Casey for possession of an illegal substance and Jade agrees to help him. Derek finds out Matt used drugs in jail. Matt convinces Alison he isn't a drug dealer, and she says in that case, it's neither Matt nor Casey. Katie has an ectopic pregnancy. Brad is told it can be a side effect of fertility drugs. Vienna visits and offers to be a surrogate. Dusty goes to the police station and gets Lucy freed in exchange for her helping him see Johnny. Paul takes out his frustration with Meg by dallying with a hooker. He takes the hooker to lunch where Meg is with Dusty.
March 2, 2009 to March 6, 2009: Elwood agrees to tell Luke and Noah more of what he knows about Reg's drug overdose. He wants them to meet him at the bridge. When Luke and Noah arrive, a car hits Elwood, knocking him over the bridge and into the water. Luke and Noah find Elwood — dead. Margo brings them all to the police station to be questioned. Later, they are all shocked by the news that it was Matt's car that hit Elwood. When Margo wants to bring him in for questioning, Matt is nowhere to be found. Casey tells Alison he wants a "do over," but she's unwilling unless he settles things with Jade. Alison is waylaid at the hospital by Mark Vero, who reveals he's still on drugs and is the culprit. He gets her to leave with him by threatening to hurt Casey. He takes her to the warehouse where she was to have met Matt, and he prepares to drug her and frame Matt. Meanwhile, Luke and Noah are suspicious of Kevin's squirrelly behavior. Casey tells them his mother no longer suspects Matt, and they start to realize Kevin was one of the only people who knew about Elwood's meeting at the bridge and therefore is a suspect. They follow Kevin and hear him talking to Mark and their suspicions are confirmed. They convince Kevin what Mark is doing is wrong and it's time to turn himself in. They all head to the warehouse. Mark is about to give Alison a lethal dose of drugs when Matt arrives, having gotten Alison's message, and scares him off. Brad and Katie talk at cross purposes about babies — Brad thinks adoption is the way to go until Katie eventually tells him that Vienna has offered to be their surrogate mother. Brad's shocked at first, but by the end of the day, they're all OK with the idea. Later, Katie reveals to Vienna that the doctor told her that her eggs are not viable. Vienna offers to skip the process of finding an egg donor by volunteering herself. Henry doesn't want Vienna having a child with another man. He storms off. Meg tells Paul he's free to have whatever relationships he wants. She leaves, and Emily tells him it means she wants permission to sleep with Dusty. Parker's convinced Liberty to play hooky when he realizes they can have Milltown to themselves. They get frisky, but are forced out of the house when smoke starts billowing from the kitchen. Jack gets word that the fire department is en route to Milltown, and he and Janet find Parker and Liberty in a fire blanket in a state of undress. Parker and Liberty are banned from going to Fort Lauderdale for spring break. Jack and Janet think Parker needs some real discipline and decides he's going to boarding school with JJ. Parker tells Liberty there's no way he'll go to boarding school and that he intends for them to go to Florida as planned.
March 9, 2009 to March 13, 2009: Brad and Katie tell Liberty about their impending surrogate pregnancy. Janet arrives and forces Liberty to admit to the fire she and Parker accidentally set at Milltown. Jack tells Parker he's using his trust fund to send Parker to boarding school. Lucy secretly brings Dusty to see Johnny. When Craig discovers the ruse, he storms into Dusty's room and takes Johnny away. Janet makes Liberty move to the farm so she can keep an eye on her. Parker and Liberty meet with a lawyer, who gives Parker a cease and desist letter preventing his parents from spending his trust fund until a hearing can be arranged. Parker shows Carly and Jack the letter and tells them he plans to get control of his trust fund. Parker hears Tom say that he might be able to get emancipated if he gets married. Parker sneaks out and asks Liberty to marry him. Dusty takes Meg to buy baby clothes and ends up buying something glamorous for her. Lucinda and Brian agree to be friends. Casey and Alison decide to work on their relationship. Vienna is inseminated for Katie and Brad.
March 16, 2009 to March 20, 2009: Lucy meets with a contact on the docks and pays him off so she can ship contraband goods along with the Midnight Sun vodka. Dusty and Meg decide to take their relationship to the next level, and they make love. Paul bursts into Dusty's room and catches them in bed. Paul feels betrayed by Meg. Dusty passionately defends Meg to Paul. Paul calls Emily, vowing to destroy them. Parker tells Carly he's going to a hockey game, and Liberty tells Janet she's going with Brad to look at colleges, but they are really planning to leave the state in order to get married. When Carly realizes something is up, Craig uses Parker's computer to find out what they're up to, and Craig and Carly head out after them. When they get to the judge's chambers, Parker explains to the judge that he wants to marry Liberty so he'll be able to become emancipated and protect his trust fund from Carly. Carly and Craig arrive and Carly must listen as Parker portrays her in a bad light. Carly's outburst convinces the judge that Parker is right and he agrees to marry them. Carly is forced to watch Parker and Liberty get married as Jack and Janet arrive too late to stop them. Jack kicks Parker and Liberty out of the house, but Carly and Janet blast Jack for his decision. Carly says she doesn't know who Jack is anymore. Craig calls to tell Carly he's found the kids and gotten them a room at the Lakeview. Parker and Liberty end up in the honeymoon suite at the Lakeview, but neither one of them wants to have sex. Noah asks Luke to move in with him for the summer. Luke and Noah are unable to rent an apartment when the landlord realizes they are gay. Henry's plan to seduce Vienna is thwarted when she realizes she's pregnant. They rush over to tell Brad and Katie the good news.
March 23, 2009 to March 27, 2009: Paul tells Meg he doesn't care about her anymore, only Eliza, and warns that he'll fight to the death if Dusty tries to take Eliza from him. Emily follows Lucy to the dock and hears Lucy talking to a shipping worker about a shipment that somehow secretly connects to Craig and Carly's business. Emily reports to Paul, and he confronts Lucy. Lucy is forced to help Paul get Dusty away from Meg. When Liberty and Parker fail at finding jobs they head to Al's to ask Janet for help. Parker notices the cash register is open and he grabs a wad of bills. When Janet realizes the money is gone, Jack suspects Parker and arrests him. Craig bails him out. Parker gets a call from the DA saying Jack will put Parker on trial for robbery. Jack really just wants Parker to learn a lesson and made a pre-arrangement with the DA. Craig says Parker didn't steal the money, but rather Craig lent it to him. Jack asks Parker to tell the truth, but Parker doesn't and the DA drops the case. Jack walks in on Carly and Craig in bed and storms out. Janet accuses him of caring too much about Carly. Noah, Luke and Lily decide to expose housing discrimination toward the gay community. After they appear on WOAK, hate mail arrives at Lily's front door. Undeterred, Luke organizes a fundraiser at Metro to support gay and lesbian rights. Noah goes with Luke when he tells Holden and Lily, who are both supportive. Holden, however, is also concerned for their safety, but comes to agree with Lily that they all need to do this together as a family. At the fundraiser, Luke gives a speech honoring his mother, then goes to the parking lot to retrieve some research and is hit by a car. A mystery man approaches to check his pulse and carry him to the hospital, leaving a note on Luke with contact information. At the hospital, Luke is startled to see Damian. Holden and Lily return and are surprised to see Damian back in town and by Luke's bed. Lily tells Damian he is at the heart of most of her painful memories and that he's not welcome. Damian tells himself he's not leaving town until he gets what he wants.
March 30, 2009 to April 3, 2009: Janet tells Carly that she had convinced Jack to make peace in time for Parker's hearing, but the fact that Jack found her in bed with Craig wrecked everything. Meanwhile, Craig goes to Parker and Liberty and tells them he's on their side, but warns Parker not to go through with his plans regarding the trust fund just because Parker's mad at his parents. Jack finds Carly at home; he reaches out to her and they go to the hearing together. At the hearing, Jack defends Carly when the judge mentions her past crimes. The judge does not grant Parker emancipation or control of his money, but lets him appoint a new trustee — Craig. Jack is furious that Craig will have control over their son and he blames Carly. Later, as Craig officially becomes trustee of Parker's trust, Parker and Liberty find an apartment. But when Parker asks Craig for money, Craig refuses. Carly says Parker and Liberty can live in Milltown and they have no choice but to agree. Carly is very grateful to Craig and they drink a toast to trust. Craig brings Liberty to a college campus to hint at the opportunities she'd be missing if she continues on her current path. Holden and Lily try to find out who sideswiped Luke. Holden tells Margo he's sure Damian arranged it in order to play the hero. Damian gets Kim to agree to shoot some PSAs, which he will pay for, and gets Noah and Luke to show up at WOAK. There, Damian presents the idea, but Luke refuses to take his money. Lily, Luke and Holden go to WOAK and tape the PSA. When Lily and Holden get home, they find their house has been ransacked. They are sure it's Damian and the maid says she saw a man. Luke and Noah meet Zac and Zoe Finn, twins who want to help with the foundation. Noah is alone at Java when Damian staggers in after getting stabbed. Noah gets him to the hospital. Luke is forced to accept police protection. Vienna realizes she's pregnant with Henry's baby, not Brad's. Henry is horrified that Vienna plans to pass his baby off to Katie and Brad. Katie asks Vienna and Henry to move in with them so Katie and Brad can be with their baby all the time. Vienna is determined to keep her miscarriage from Katie. Dusty tells Meg to trust him and not believe anything she hears from Paul.
April 6, 2009 to April 10, 2009: Dusty beats up Paul. Paul sets a small fire with Eliza in the house just as the social worker arrives. Finding Paul beaten by Meg's boyfriend and the house on fire with the baby alone inside, the social worker is set up to believe that Meg left the baby alone; she calls social services. Meg returns home and finds the social worker allowing Paul to take the baby away. Meg goes to Fairwinds to confront a cold Paul. He humiliates her, making her strip naked. He leads her to ask him to make love to her, but he declines, telling her to save it for Dusty. Paul calls Meg because Eliza is sick. Meg rushes over and says they have to take her to the hospital. The baby has pneumonia and they fear for her life. They go to the chapel to pray, and Dusty, coming to find Meg, sees Paul and Meg embracing in the chapel. Meg and Paul take the baby home and Meg maneuvers Paul into asking her to stay until the baby is better. Janet tries to make peace and buys drinks for Craig to thank him for everything he's done to help Liberty and Parker. Having to stay in a dorm, Liberty learns Parker cannot be with her. Jack thinks Carly is drinking too much. Noah gets a New York internship. Luke and Noah find that the foundation account has been frozen. An impulsive Zac kisses Noah. Zac leaves as Luke returns and Noah admits Zac kissed him. Luke is defensive at first, but understands it was just a weird thing Zac did. He tells Noah he's worried his mom is under Damian's spell. Henry feels left out as Brad and Katie pamper Vienna. Kim drops by and finds out what's going on and convinces them to do a documentary.
April 13, 2009 to April 17, 2009: Carly and Craig are in New York, having taken Liberty to interview for an internship. Parker unexpectedly shows up at their hotel room just as a drunken Carly is about to sleep with Craig. Carly tries to console Parker, but he accuses her of being a drunk. Carly promises Parker that she's done drinking. Craig tries to redeem himself with Parker and Liberty by offering her a chance at an internship in Chicago. Parker agrees and Liberty goes for an interview. Parker freaks when she comes home late and accuses her of partying again. Liberty gets upset and says she can't take it and doesn't want to be married anymore. Parker goes to the farm, but Liberty doesn't want to see him and Jack won't let him in. Parker runs off to the docks, spots the vodka shipment and grabs two bottles. Craig finds Parker drunk and unconscious in the woods while Carly goes to Yo's and gets a drink. Luke blames Damian for sending Noah away and storms out when Damian denies it. Damian tells Lily he's going to Europe to get to the bottom of the business with the rings and will stop in Lisbon to find Noah. Lily warns him not to let her down. After he goes, she calls Luke and he comes home. Luke admits he feels terrible that Noah left without even calling. Noah, however, is tied up in a storage locker by Zac and Zoe. Meg proposes that she and Paul reconcile and live together with Eliza. Paul agrees on one condition: that she not see anyone else ever. Meg says "fine" and goes to tell Dusty. Dusty can't believe she's willing to live with Paul. Meg says it will be just until she figures out how to get Paul away from her and Eliza forever. Later, Lucy promises Dusty she won't involve him in her business anymore and there's only one more shipment. Dusty is confronted by Fredo and another thug, who beat him up. Casey and Jade wind up doing community service together.
April 20, 2009 to April 24, 2009: Noah is held captive by Zac and Zoe, who sent a fake text message meant to pacify Luke. Holden, Luke and Lily find out that Noah has been kidnapped. Margo brings Luke, Holden and Lily aside and tells them not to pay the ransom specified in the note since that could endanger Noah more. Luke gets a text from "Noah" telling him he's at a storage facility. Luke goes there and falls into Zac and Zoe's trap and is tied up with Noah. Lily and Holden return home; they can't get in touch with Luke, but find a note that says the kidnappers have him, too. Scared Lily wants to pay the ransom to get Luke back, but Holden and Lily argue over how to handle the kidnapping. Lisa proves that someone broke into Damian's room and might have taken stationery on which to write a ransom note. Lily shows Damian the ransom note telling her where to drop off the money — The Cloisters. Damian shows her the clipping he got from Lisa and explains his theory that this woman is somehow connected to the kidnappers. Damian gets her to agree to dress as the picture of the murdered woman, Anna Pinnarossa, and try to smoke out the kidnappers. He wants her to make the kidnapper follow her and he'll be hiding to grab whoever it is. Lily goes, but Holden comes to make peace with Damian and ends up delaying him. Damian admits he's sent Lily to smoke out the kidnappers. Lily makes the drop and Zoe retrieves it. Zac opens the package and sees it's not money but a Pisces pendant. Zoe spots Lily dressed as her mother and follows. But Holden, coming after Lily interrupts and Zoe realizes she's been fooled, runs off after Luke and Noah. They see a framed photo of Zoe with her mother. They knock the photo down and use the shards to cut themselves loose. They are about to escape when Zac and Zoe return. Zac shoots Noah in the arm and they get tied up again. Zoe says she wants them punished for desecrating the memory of her mother and Zac agrees Lily needs to be eliminated because she saw Zoe. Dusty goes with Lucy, and Cesar shows them that there are now guns in the crates where she's smuggling her medicine. Dusty tells Cesar to take out the guns, send out the shipment and tell no one that Lucy knew about it. Cesar agrees. But later, while he's on the docks, someone kills him. Lucy asks Dusty how can she repay him, and he says all he wants is help getting Johnny back. Jack tells Parker that Liberty wants an annulment. Janet tells Jack she doesn't want Parker near her daughter. Brad suggests they have a genetic test done on the baby and Katie thinks that's a good idea. They go to ask Vienna, who says no, it's too dangerous, but Henry says yes. Vienna wonders what Henry has done. But Henry says it's a good thing because if they find out the baby isn't Brad's from a doctor, then Henry and Vienna can plead ignorance. But the truth will be known — Vienna is carrying Henry's child, not Brad's.
April 27, 2009 to May 1, 2009: Noah attacks Zoe, and her screams attract the attention of Zac, who's outside holding Damian at gunpoint. Zac moves into the storage locker and Damian wrestles the gun away from him. Margo appears and arrests Zoe and Zac. Lily and Holden rush to the hospital where Noah is being treated. Holden thanks Damian for saving the boys but tells him he should leave town. Noah advises Luke that he needs to get to know his biological father. Luke asks Damian not to leave. Parker shows Craig his new sports car, bought with the trust fund money Craig released to him. Carly and Jack find out and are furious. Jack is called to the dock to investigate Cesar's murder. He learns that guns were being smuggled in Midnight Sun vodka crates. Jack arrests Craig and Carly. Craig and Carly realize neither is responsible for the guns. Craig tells Jack that Carly had nothing to do with anything so she's able to return to her family. A guilty Lucy almost admits that she's the one responsible for illegal exporting, but Dusty stops her. Lucinda tells Emily the Intruder is going digital and introduces her to Hunter, her new partner. Emily is furious and snubs Hunter, who eagerly tries to convince her that he knows what he's doing. Brad, Katie, Henry and Vienna meet at the hospital to hear the results of the DNA test. Henry is shocked when the doctor, who isn't their regular doctor, says that all is well. Katie notices that Henry is acting strangely and worries he might be growing too attached to the baby.
May 4, 2009 to May 8, 2009: Craig is arrested for his involvement in gun smuggling and Cesar's murder. Craig is stunned and hurt to discover that Lucy was aiding Dusty when he thought she was on his side. Lucy confesses she was the one smuggling goods to East Africa and that Craig is innocent. At the dock, Lucinda and Holden are held at gunpoint by a thug. They're shocked to see Damian is his boss. Damian tries to convince Holden and Lucinda that everything is on the up and up, that his security team was just doing their job by bringing them in. Luke goes to Damian, who admits that he does have a secret operation. During a parenting session, Katie lets Henry hold the BotBaby — a doll that simulates a baby so expecting couples can practice caring for it. Henry runs off with it. Katie freaks out and wonders if Henry will kidnap the real baby. Vienna finds Henry at home, where he finally relinquishes the doll but states that he will not give up their child. Brad and Katie reveal they know the baby's not Brad's child. Despite Vienna and Henry's apologies, Brad and Katie tell them they no longer want the child and that they never want to see them.
May 11, 2009 to May 15, 2009: A lawyer overhears Vienna and Henry talking and tells them he handles private adoptions. Henry goes to Brad; Brad talks to Katie; and they agree to meet with the lawyer. The lawyer says he'll arrange a meeting with the prospective mother and they give him a check for $10,000 retainer. Damian proves he is not involved in the gun running. Lucy leaves town. Having been given legal custody of Johnny, Craig agrees to let Dusty stay in contact with the boy. Meg, desperate to be with Eliza, offers to stay with Paul and be his wife again. He's wary but insists she be his wife in soul and body or not at all. Meg's anguished to leave Eliza, but Holden insists her staying with Paul will make him seem less threatening during a custody hearing. Parker quits school.
May 18, 2009 to May 22, 2009: Carly is arrested for DUI. Katie yells at Vienna for continually giving her false hope about the baby, even if accidentally, and stalks off. Vienna trips on a cable and falls. She gets an ultrasound at the hospital and is told by the OB/GYN there's been fetal death. Henry, upset and angry, blames Katie for the loss. Damian encourages Meg to keep fighting for her daughter. With Eliza in tow, Paul stops at a farmers market on his way out of town. He's stunned to see Rosanna is working there. She tells Paul her story. When she woke up from the coma, she realized Paul was with Meg; Carly was with Craig; so she decided she couldn't go back to Oakdale. The recession and a crooked investor wiped out all her money. Now she works at a cooperative farm, living a simple life.
May 25, 2009 to May 29, 2009: Paul goes to Rosanna and pleads with her to let him and Eliza stay with her for a little while and convinces her to ask Edna. Edna agrees to let him and Eliza stay because Rosanna vouches for him. Rosanna warns Paul to behave and not ruin the new life she's made for herself. Edna e-mails Meg that she has information on Eliza's whereabouts. Rosanna questions Paul's motives, thinking he took Eliza because he's spiteful and jealous of Meg. She begs him to reconsider. Paul is moved enough to call Meg, but Damian answers her phone and Paul is not happy. Casey finds out Alison is getting an award at graduation and plans a celebratory dinner with family. Hunter hears and when he learns Alison's father is not invited, he takes it upon himself to track Larry down and invite him. Larry visits Susan at the hospital and they agree to leave the past behind. Casey and Alison make love. Parker confronts Carly about her drinking. Brad goes to talk to Henry about not going through with his lawsuit. Katie is pregnant. Katie asks Vienna and Henry to be godparents. Katie is in good spirits but does not tell Brad about the pregnancy.
June 1, 2009 to June 5, 2009: Aware the police are closing in, Paul prepares to leave with the baby. He says a bittersweet goodbye to Rosanna. Edna interrupts. The cops are coming, and Rosanna will be charged with aiding and abetting a kidnapping. Meg agrees to drop the kidnapping charges on one condition: Paul has to hand the baby over to her at the police station. Damian takes Meg to the police station. Before Paul can leave, Dusty and Bonnie enter with Rosanna and everyone is shocked to see her. Margo is informed Adam died in an explosion in Afghanistan where he was working to rebuild devastated communities. A sergeant who knew Adam visits Margo. Noah learns he's been accepted into the film department's honors program. Kim asks Katie, Brad, Vienna and Henry to tape a final segment on Katie's quest to get pregnant. Katie, Vienna and Brad are excited, but Henry wants nothing to do with it. Vienna decides to go on her own. Henry stays home and sulks. During the taping, Katie faints and they rush her to the hospital. Frantic, Vienna calls Henry and says he has to come right away, and that Katie needs him. Henry arrives after relieved Katie finds out the baby will be OK. But she needs bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy. Katie asks Brad and Vienna to go back to the studio to finish the taping. Brad and Vienna work together very well. Brad asks Kim for his old job back. Vienna offers to take Katie's place. Kim says they can do a test.
June 8, 2009 to June 12, 2009: Dusty wants Paul arrested for kidnapping Eliza, but Meg doesn't press charges. Damian tells Meg she deserves to be treated like a princess and he wants to do it. Bonnie and Dusty toast to not hating each other as much as they used to. Paul sneaks into Craig's room, hacks into his computer and has money transferred to Rosanna. When Rosanna goes home, Paul tells her what he's done and she's furious. She says she's going to return the money. Tom and Casey worry about Margo's response to Adam's death and Riley's arrival. Instead of mourning the loss of her son, she dotes on Riley. Hunter learns his mother has had a stroke. Alison accompanies him to the nursing home she resides in. There, Hunter's mother tells him the man he thought was his father is not. Emily tells Susan she's thinking of having another child. She and Susan go to the hospital to check on the eggs Emily had frozen years ago when Alison was conceived. Bob tells them the eggs are missing from the hospital.
June 15, 2009 to June 19, 2009: Parker is very worried about Carly. Craig agrees not to put Rosanna in jail if the money is returned. During a live show about Tango lessons on WOAK, Vienna accidentally exposes herself while Brad uses his hands to cover her up. Henry calls WOAK pretending to be a disturbed audience member. Oblivious to his true identity, Kim invites Henry's alter ego, "Miss Swift," to come on WOAK and present "her" issue with Vienna to the WOAK viewers. Henry goes into the studio in drag and calls for the firing of Vienna on air. Kim wants "Miss Swift" to be a regular; Henry finally gives in to Kim. He shows up at the studio as Geneva Swift to get Vienna off the show. It backfires when Kim enjoys the banter between Vienna and Geneva. Katie realizes Henry is Geneva. Margo asks Riley to leave, for the sake of her family. Damian gives Luke a check for $20,000. Noah refuses the money, but Luke convinces him that he can use what he wants and then they'll pay Damian back with the grant money they'll apply for.
June 22, 2009 to June 26, 2009: Noah struggles to gain access to a military base for his film project. Luke convinces Riley to act as their military liaison. When Riley arrives at the base, he is surprised to find Col. Mayer instead of his contact, Lt. Hasbro. Mayer tells Riley to do what he says or else he'll reveal Riley's true identity. Alison breaks up with Casey over his lies about Riley. Casey calls the Veterans Administration to get information on Riley Morgan. Casey shows Margo that the Veterans Administration considers Riley Morgan dead, and that the picture of him they have on file looks nothing like the Riley they know. Margo goes to confront Riley, only to discover that Mayer has him at gunpoint — so disappointed is he that Riley didn't succeed in bringing Noah to him. Margo is shot by Mayer. Riley rushes to Margo's side and calls her "mom." Carly agrees to marry Craig. Carly continues to secretly drink. Lily agrees to help Damian in his pursuit of Meg. Larry miraculously finds Emily's eggs at Memorial and invites her to the opera to celebrate. Susan, meanwhile, is highly suspicious that Larry was able to so easily discover Emily's missing eggs. Alison and Hunter visit his mother in search of the name of Hunter's real father.
June 29, 2009 to July 3, 2009: Riley kneels beside an unconscious Margo, who has been shot by Col. Mayer. As she revives, he quickly stops referring to her as mom and calls 9-1-1. Riley admits his face became disfigured after a bombing in Afghanistan and he thought his new face could give him a new chance at life. Casey is upset that Margo hasn't told Tom and threatens to do it himself. Riley appeals to him, explaining that taking on a new identity was an accidental circumstance that started with the military misidentifying him. Alison consoles after he learns his mother has died. Susan tells Emily that the eggs Larry "found" are not hers and warns her about trusting him. Emily starts to put the pieces together and goes after Larry. She confronts him about whether he knew Aurora Hunter. He's affected by news of Aurora's death, and by the fact that Hunter could be his son. Emily tracks Hunter down and tells him she's his mother. She then tracks down Larry and rails at him for his betrayal, saying he knew all along that she was Hunter's mother. Larry begs forgiveness, says he was Aurora's lover and she was desperate to have a child. Hunter's miserable because he can't change how he feels about Alison. Mayer wants to take Noah away and live happily ever after, but Noah won't abet a fugitive. Damian suggests Noah turn his father in, so Noah can find some peace. Lily and Dusty meet some potential clients at Worldwide, but they are unable to secure them as investors when they discover the computer storing their presentation has been stolen. Damian is implicated thanks to a setup by Paul.
July 6, 2009 to July 10, 2009: As her wedding day approaches, a desperate Carly is forced to go to Fashions to buy a wedding dress when she can't come up with a design on her own. Carly puts on her wedding dress and starts drinking. She continues to drink in the limo. Carly passes out and Holden calls Jack to alert him. Jack and Holden take Carly to the hospital, where her stomach must be pumped. Craig takes Carly to a cabin to give her time to regroup and is scared when she disappears. Liberty consoles Parker, who's convinced his mother's problem is partially his fault. Dusty and Bonnie investigate and try to find out how the fuel line was ruined on Damian's boat. Lily and Damian watch security footage and find that it was Paul. Damian and Dusty make a deal to put their differences aside and protect Meg from Paul. Emily finds Hunter huddled under his blankets. He doesn't want anything to do with her; he just wants to be alone and mourn Aurora.
July 13, 2009 to July 17, 2009: Lily tells Meg that the dirty tricks Damian and Dusty were supposedly playing on each other were actually being perpetrated by Paul, who was trying to turn them against each other. Damian gives Dusty the contact information of a guy who works in demolitions. They agree to make it look like Paul placed a bomb in one of Damian's warehouses and was setting Damian up to take the blame for Dusty's death by said bomb. Dusty lures Paul to the warehouse where Damian is supposed to arrive with the police before the bomb actually goes off. Instead, Damian confesses all to Meg, and they go to stop Dusty from setting up Paul. Once there, they cannot disable the bomb and Paul grabs it and runs. Paul is rushed to the hospital, where Bob reveals a chip was found embedded in Paul's brain. He admits it could've been capable of anything, even mind control. Barbara suspects James Stenbeck implanted it. Vienna is determined to go to work despite her back pain. She takes many pain relievers, and on air acts drunk and lashes out at Geneva (Henry). Kim fires Vienna. Henry — secretly pleased — consoles her. Kim offers Geneva Vienna's spot on "Oakdale Now." Brad tells Vienna he suspects Geneva has seduced Henry. Vienna realizes Henry is Geneva. Vienna can't forgive Henry — she's going to Sweden to be with her mother. After running out on their wedding, Craig discovers Carly drunk in the cabin. She passes out and he takes her to Milltown, where Rosanna, Jack, Janet and Parker convince her she must go to rehab. Noah's adviser, Mason Jarvis, tells Noah that Luke's script is too complicated, and Noah agrees to work with Mason on a project. Alison and Hunter tell Riley that they're brother and sister. Riley goes to Alison and asks her to give Casey a chance.
July 20, 2009 to July 24, 2009: Damian wants to get on Meg's good side, so with Lily's help, he tracks down a surgeon in New York that is willing to come to Oakdale to care for Paul. Barbara, meanwhile, shows Paul pictures of his family, but he doesn't recognize any of them. Paul asks Meg about their relationship and figures she and her daughters are better off without him. Paul shows up in court, where Dusty is being tried for setting the bomb they injured Paul with, explaining how he provoked Dusty. Lucinda tells Emily the print version of the Intruder is over and so is Emily's career. Luke then tells Noah about his plan to work for Damian instead of go back to school. Casey gets a acceptance letter from Oakdale U.
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