January 5, 2009 to January 9, 2009: Thinking he'll be ending her pain, Todd does as Marty asks and jumps off the roof of the Palace, landing in the icy waters below. As Blair and Tea look on, John dives into the water and rescues Todd. Blair revives Todd by giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Marty lashes out at John for saving Todd's life. Marty is a jumble of emotions as she sits alone in Angel Square before accepting a ride from a man on a motorcycle. Wes and Marty remember the events of the previous night and form a connection over their messed up lives. Clint and Nora are astounded by David's mystical transformation and hope it buys them enough time to keep him from getting his hands on the Buchanan fortune. Bess emerges while Viki is visiting Jessica at St. Ann's. Bess warns Viki to back off from trying to discover the secret she's keeping and says neither she nor Jessica forgive her for what happened to Jessica when she was a child. Brody and Jessica agree they would both like to remain friends and hope they'll be able to help each other on the road to recovery. Cristian realizes that Sarah turned Lola in to the immigration office. Starr's new science teacher turns out to be Dr. Joplin's son, Schuyler. Cole is tempted to do drugs.
January 12, 2009 to January 16, 2009: Janet hopes that her old friend Renee will agree to hide her. Tea ponders the possibility that Dr. Joplin left behind incriminating evidence that could be used against Todd, and arranges a meeting with Schuyler. Starr and Schuyler discuss their unusual connection and neither holds the other responsible for their recent tragedies. Matthew's in the hot seat when Bo and Nora confront him with the joint they found in his backpack. Matthew admits the joint belongs to him and turns the tables on his parents by questioning them about their use of drugs. Cole finds Marty alone in Wes' room at the Angel Square Hotel. Marty breaks Cole's heart when she explains that she needs time away from him and everyone else and won't be returning home. A hidden Starr listens as Todd pours out his heart at Hope's grave. Starr makes her presence known to Todd, who vows to become the kind of father Starr can love again. With Jessica's support and encouragement, Brody concentrates on the events leading up to the death of the Iraqi boy and sees for the first time that the boy didn't have a gun. Wes reveals his part in the shooting. Tea watches closely as Langston gives Lola the note Ray sent to her. Cristian admits to Antonio that he's starting to have feelings for Vanessa. Vanessa and Cristian give into their lust and make love for the first time. Jessica struggles with Bess in her subconscious mind. Jessica demands the truth from Bess. Bess reveals the baby is really Starr and Cole's child.
January 19, 2009 to January 23, 2009: Jessica confesses to Natalie and Jared that she purposely allowed Tess to come out because she wanted her to kill them. Bess tells Tess the entire truth about what happened to her baby while insisting Jessica is too fragile to ever learn her baby really died that night. Bess convinces Tess that their work is done and it's time for them to take their leave so that Jessica can get well and care for her children. Natalie can't let go of the anger she feels towards Jessica. Viki fears Natalie and Jessica's relationship will never be the same. Jessica tells Brody what happened at the vineyard. Brody tries to assure Jessica she's not like Tess. Brody reveals he had a "breakthrough" of his own, saying Wes confessed to planting a gun in the dead Iraqi boy's hands. At Rodi's, Marty continues to act out by kissing John. Blair does her best to keep her cool but finally reaches her breaking point when Marty accuses her of still having feelings for Todd. Blair is affected by Todd's love for his sons. Antonio sends Tea on her way when he finds her trying to question Schuyler. Schuyler defends his mother to Antonio, who realizes he's holding something back. Schuyler ponders a letter his mother sent him before her death. Although grounded, Matthew sneaks out to attend the concert at Ultraviolet in an effort to impress Becca. Bo promptly catches Matthew and drags him out of the club. David challenges Dorian to live up to her claim of wanting to achieve total enlightenment.
January 26, 2009 to January 30, 2009: Cole confronts Matthew about stealing his pills. Matthew turns the tables on Cole, saying he can't preach to him about the dangers of drugs if he's doing them himself. Cole promises Matthew he'll get rid of the pills, but later defiantly takes another one in front of Starr and Langston. As part of her master plan, Dorian convinces Moe to take her fortune. Rex throws a monkey wrench into Dorian's plan to get David to sign away his worldly assets to her phony charity. Blair and Starr are shocked anew when Nora explains how Todd hired Lee to be in the delivery room with Starr in order to whisk her baby away. Nora tells Blair and Starr that Starr's testimony could send Todd to prison for life. Todd warns Tea not to go after Starr on the witness stand. Jessica tells Dr. Levin she feels as though she might be integrated. Levin tests Jessica by hypnotizing her to see if he can get Tess or Bess to emerge. Bess manages to keep Tess from waking and successfully remains in control of the situation. Jessica returns home, but has trouble connecting with Bree, who clings to Natalie. Natalie tears into Jessica for everything she's done and accuses her of being a danger to her own children.
February 2, 2009 to February 6, 2009: Todd denies to Tea that he killed Lee when she finds him standing over Lee's corpse in his house. Knowing Todd would be the prime suspect, Tea takes a drastic measure and announces to Antonio and Talia that she killed Lee. Tea is off the hook for Lee's murder when it is deemed self-defense. Wes tells Marty how Lee destroyed his family. Marty and Wes are both frustrated that Todd might never pay for his crimes. Jack thanks Starr for not sending their dad to prison. Nora challenges Todd to make a public admission of guilt to all his misdeeds in order to spare Starr from being charged with perjury. Over Tea's protests, Todd faces his victims and delivers an emotionally wrenching confession and apology to Marty and Starr. Fed up with Natalie's interference, Jessica draws her line in the sand and wants Natalie to back off so she can re-bond with her daughters. Jessica is uneasy when she sees Starr holding baby Chloe. Clint tells Rex to pull out all the stops to prevent Dorian from marrying David. Bo thinks it may be time to tell David he is Asa's son. Vanessa is uneasy when Lola asks questions about the knife used to kill Lee. Ray calls Tea, who assures him that his case is her top priority. Markko fears Cole's drug use is out of control.
February 9, 2009 to February 13, 2009: In Las Vegas, Rex and Gigi think they're barging in on David and Dorian's wedding, but find Moe and Noelle instead. Realizing they've lost Dorian's trail, Rex and Gigi agree to be the witnesses at Moe and Noelle's wedding, which is being presided over by a James Brown impersonator. A stripper who uses the stage name "Gigi" follows Rex and Gigi to Llanview. David and Dorian are married in a traditional Buddhist ceremony. Marty offers to help Blair climb out of the river, but Blair pulls her into the water. Tea tells Lola she thinks Vanessa killed Lola's mother. Lola reveals that Vanessa was instrumental in Lola finding the knife used to kill her mother. Jessica admits to Brody she doesn't feel connected to Chloe. Jared and Natalie ponder Tess' actions when they discover a hospital parking pass in Jessica's wallet dated the same day she gave birth to Chloe. Bo suggests sending Matthew to military school. Starr walks away when she sees Cole buying more pills from Asher. The "Go Red" Ball promises to be an evening full of surprises. Tea gets under Todd and Blair's skin when she dances with John at the ball. Todd and Blair dance together while Marty dances with Wes. Wes accuses Marty of using him to bait John. A brawl breaks out on the dance floor between Wes and Todd. David is thrilled to have a family once he learns he is Asa's son.
February 16, 2009 to February 20, 2009: Wes easily gets the upper hand on Todd during their brawl at the "Go Red" Ball. Wes pulls his utility knife and holds it at Todd's throat after Todd tries to clobber him with a wine bottle. Antonio and Talia pull their guns, ending the brouhaha. Wes and a drunken Marty return to Wes' room. The next morning Marty finds Wes' body. Brody wonders if he killed Wes. Marty is arrested for Wes' murder. Dorian admits to David she married him because she knew he was a Buchanan. David is clearly set on cashing in on his newfound fortune with Dorian by his side. Thinking this could be their last night in the mansion, the Buchanans indulge themselves and tie one on. Nora wakes up with a hangover in very close proximity to Bo. Dorian and David insist that the Buchanans vacate the mansion immediately. David reminds his new family he's only treating them the same way they treated him. Stacy tells a heartbroken Gigi their parents died in a car accident. Natalie admits to Jared she's still trying to figure out what Tess was up to on the night Chloe was born in order to get resolution and hopefully be able to forgive Jessica. Markko doesn't tell Langston he got accepted to UCLA. Ray, having escaped from the Colombian prison, knocks Cristian unconscious and makes his way to Vanessa's room.
February 23, 2009 to February 27, 2009: Vanessa confesses that she framed Ray for murder, but insists that her love for Cristian is real. Vanessa sticks to her belief that Ray really did murder Lola's mother, but she and Ray are led off by Antonio. Cristian is left angry and hurt by Vanessa's betrayal. Jessica and Natalie take steps toward repairing their relationship as sisters. Natalie, thinking it will help her and Jessica heal, becomes determined to find out everything that happened the night Chloe was born. Michael and Marcie grow closer. Langston is conflicted about Markko's decision not to attend UCLA in order to stay in Llanview to be with her. Roxy lies to Rex and lets him believe David really is his father. Roxy pleads with Rex not to pursue anything about his father, confessing that she killed the man. John wonders if the person who killed Lee Halpern is the same person who murdered Wes. Starr severs all ties with Todd after confronting him about his suicide attempt and admits he scares her because she believes he's capable of anything. Schuyler urges Cole to get help for his drug problem. A furious Cole confronts Starr, accusing her of telling Schuyler he's on drugs. Gigi makes it clear to Stacy she's going to have to pay her own way.
March 2, 2009 to March 6, 2009: Rex confides to Gigi that Roxy confessed to having killed his father, who she claims was a horrible person who deserved what he got. Roxy makes a mysterious visit to a long-term care facility and tells the unresponsive patient lying in the bed that Rex thinks his father is dead and their secret will stay buried forever. David asks Dorian to move to Los Angeles with him, but she says her life is in Llanview. David doesn't want Dorian destroying all the Buchanans, but accepts the fact she's still going to go after Clint's money. Dorian is aghast when Moe invites Ray to stay at the mansion. Schuyler and Stacy are stunned to run into each other and hope they can renew their friendship. Brody admits to Antonio he doesn't have a solid alibi for the night Wes was murdered. Marty tries to make amends with Cole. Cole tells her he cannot forgive her actions and he pops another pill.
March 9, 2009 to March 13, 2009: Cole, driving under the influence with Matthew, causes a horrific crash with Gigi and Shane's car. After hearing the sound of the crash, John and Marty go to investigate and immediately jump into action when they arrive on the scene. While John frees Gigi and Shane, Marty summons near-superhuman strength to rescue Cole, who's been trapped under the overturned car. No one, however, is aware that Matthew had been thrown from the car. At the hospital, Cole nearly overdoses on the pills he took. Bo is alarmed when he finds Matthew's hat at the crash site. Michael gives Rex and Gigi devastating news about Shane while Bo and Nora receive equally heartbreaking news about Matthew. Blair is in critical condition at the hospital and is taken in for surgery. Starr tries to make Schuyler see her as more than just a student, but he explains he can never do that. Schuyler tells Starr that he's been suspended from teaching indefinitely and they can no longer spend time together. After drugging Rex's drink, Stacy puts the moves on him. Gigi tries to call Rex to tell him about the accident, but Stacy makes sure he doesn't get the calls. Stacy gets him into his bed and begins undressing him. While lying next to Rex, who's completely out of it, Stacy talks about how she's loved him since the first day they met and always knew they belonged together. Knowing Gigi will be home any minute, Stacy makes it look as though Rex is making love to her. Gigi can't believe her eyes when she returns home to find Stacy in bed with Rex. Brody leaves St. Ann's with Jessica ready to face the world. Natalie and Jared realize Starr's baby lived while Jessica's died. Rex and Bo bond as Rex deals with Shane's leukemia diagnosis and Bo with Matthew's paralysis.
March 16, 2009 to March 20, 2009: Bo's and Nora's hearts break for Matthew when they tell him that he'll probably never walk again. Rex and Gigi explain to Shane that he has leukemia and they are working on finding a bone marrow donor. After encountering another kid at the hospital, Shane realizes he's going to go bald. In her own unique way, Roxy suggests Shane take the bull by the horns and shaves his head. When Shane regrets he no longer looks like his dad, Rex steps in and has his head shaved as well. Stacy follows Roxy to a clinic and eavesdrops as Roxy talks to Rex's comatose father. Roxy takes a DNA sample from Rex's father in the hope he'll be a match for Shane. Stacy's wheels start to turn as she wonders how she can use Roxy's secret to her advantage. After breaking from their kiss, Brody and Jessica try to convince themselves it isn't the right time for them to pursue anything other than friendship. Natalie and Jared realize they need to get definite proof to confirm their suspicion that Chloe is really Starr's baby. Viki offers her support to Dorian, who's been keeping vigil outside a comatose Blair's hospital room. Viki arrives at the jail with Jack to see Todd. Layla's anger erupts as she listens to Cristian pour his heart out at Evangeline's bedside, accusing him of being a lying, cheating jerk just like every other man. Cristian turns the tables on Layla when he points out how she sabotages her own relationships with men. Tea admits to John that she didn't stab Lee, but also states she doesn't think Todd did either. John calls Tea on her feelings for Todd and while not admitting the total truth, she doesn't completely deny his accusation. Markko doesn't tell Langston that Lola's been coming onto him.
March 23, 2009 to March 27, 2009: Stacy tricks Gigi into believing she's a perfect match for Shane. Stacy throws Gigi for a loop when she says she won't give Shane her bone marrow unless Gigi breaks up with Rex. Gigi is incredulous as she listens to Stacy explain how she believes she and Rex were always meant to be together and would have been if Gigi hadn't stolen him away in high school. A tortured Roxy recalls how Stacy blackmailed her into going along with the lie that Stacy is a donor match for Shane. John and Marty realize she's somehow connected to the murders after discovering the letters "KAD" on the victims, which are the same letters of the fraternity house where she had been raped in college. Dorian, Addie and Starr are shocked to learn Todd is suing for custody of his children. Shaun, Moe and Ray form a united front to prevent Todd from getting to Jack. Michael gives Starr and Addie the good news that Blair is awake after coming out of her medically induced coma. Starr shares an emotional reunion with Blair. While visiting Viki, Tea admits she's falling back in love with Todd, but is doing her best to fight those feelings. Antonio explains to a heartbroken Talia that he's leaving town to track down Carlo Hesser to put a stop to him once and for all. Natalie fears there could be horrible repercussions for Jessica if she were to learn the truth that Chloe isn't her baby, but is actually Starr's. Bo's and Nora's hearts break for Matthew. Clint feels left out when he watches Bo and Nora with Matthew. Matthew asks Nora to go easy on Cole in court. Asher visits Cole before his arraignment and gives him more pills. Asher helps Cole fake his first urinalysis and offers to keep doing so if Cole wants to keep using. Brody admits to Dr. Levin that he has feelings for Jessica and plans to tell her.
March 30, 2009 to April 3, 2009: Rex gives Stacy the cold shoulder when she drops by to visit Shane. Brody coaxes the truth out of an emotional Gigi, who reveals the details of Stacy's blackmail, and they form a plan. Rex finds Gigi in bed with Brody. Jessica musters up the courage to tell Brody she'd like to try being more than just friends, but then sees Gigi in his bed when Rex storms out of the room. At the custody hearing, John stuns Todd by announcing he and Blair got married. Starr devastates Todd when she says she'd rather live with John. The judge rules against Todd, leaving Starr, Jack and Sam in John's care. Tea is left shaken when Todd accuses her of still being in love with him. Todd vows to make John and Blair pay for what they've done to him. Dorian slaps Ray, claiming she didn't enjoy him kissing her, but he knows better. Layla runs into Cristian while waiting for her blind date to show up. After witnessing the fur fly between Layla and Cristian, Layla's date makes a hasty retreat as he states it's clear Layla and Cristian have feelings for each other. John meets with Fish to go over the clues in the murder investigation. Nora and Clint's relationship is on shaky ground when she starts pushing him away due to the stress of dealing with Matthew's paralysis. Kyle is suspicious when Stacy arrives at the hospital claiming to be a match for Shane. Starr puts the moves on an incredulous Schuyler.
April 6, 2009 to April 10, 2009: Roxy and Stacy work together to convince Kyle to extract the bone marrow from John Doe and make it look as though it came from Stacy. Schuyler devastates Starr when he makes it clear he doesn't have feelings for her and sends her away. Jessica admits to Natalie she wanted to see where things might have gone between her and Brody. Fearing the truth could destroy Jessica, Natalie and Jared decide not to reveal that Chloe is really Starr's baby. Gigi feels horrible for having ruined Brody's chances with Jessica and sets out to make things right. Nora finds a rare moment of happiness when Rachel arrives unexpectedly. Dorian's thrilled when David calls to tell her his new commercial is going to debut, and gloats to Ray that her husband is on his way to stardom. Dorian, however, is privately mortified as she and Ray watch David pitching a hemorrhoid treatment on national television. Dorian is hurt when David tells her he can't come home because he's signed on to be the company's spokesman. Ray reaches out to comfort Dorian, who kisses him. Dorian is forced to admit to Langston that she's developed feelings for Ray. Zach wants payback for all the years he feels Todd stole from him. After arriving on the scene, Todd races up the stairs when Cole reveals Zach is holding Starr hostage in Marty's old bedroom. Zach taunts Todd by comparing the present situation with Starr to the night he, Todd and Powell raped Marty.
April 13, 2009 to April 17, 2009: Zach taunts Todd, implying he's going to rape Starr, but then states that he's going punish Todd by killing Starr instead. Todd holds Zach's attention long enough to allow Starr to escape. John makes his way into the room via a heating duct and lunges at Zach just as he's about to shoot Todd. As John and Zach struggle on the ground, Todd gets hold of the gun and fires a shot. An injured Zach is headed for jail. John isn't convinced that Zach is the K.A.D. Killer they've been searching for. Starr embraces Todd, both grateful that the other wasn't hurt. Cole admits to Marty that he still loves Starr. Schuyler urges Stacy to forget about Rex and try again with him, but she remains resolute in her desire to win Rex's heart. Natalie and Jared destroy the evidence they have proving Chloe is really Starr's baby, not Jessica's, and believe they're doing the right thing. Roxy suggests to Gigi that they turn the tables on Stacy and come clean to Rex once Shane has the bone morrow transplant. Todd plays on Tea's feelings for him as he tries to get her to help him win back custody of his kids. Cole panics when he's told he needs to take another drug test, knowing he'd fail because of the pills he took the night before. Cole pleads with Markko to give his urine sample instead and Markko reluctantly agrees. Rachel tries to bolster Matthew and is later assigned as Cole's counselor. Marty goes to see John to alert him to the fact that Starr might be having an inappropriate relationship with her teacher and is unaware someone is spying on them.
April 20, 2009 to April 24, 2009: John finds Talia floating face down in Dorian's pool, apparently the killer's latest victim. Fish, knowing John looks extremely guilty, but also certain his friend isn't a killer, gives John the chance to make a run for it, but John refuses and orders Fish to make the official call to Bo. The mayor demands that Bo have John arrested for murder. With Michael's help, John manages to make his way into Blair's hospital room after having escaped from jail. Blair supports John's decision to go on the lam to track down the killer and they part with a kiss. With Shane's transplant an apparent success, Roxy convinces Gigi to tell Rex the truth about Stacy's blackmail. Stacy approaches as Gigi is on the verge of confessing all to Rex when Shane suddenly goes into distress. Shane survives the crisis, but Stacy lays a guilt trip on Gigi, reminding her of the deal she made with God. Lola tells Rachel that Cole got Markko to take his drug test for him. Cole and Starr wonder how to proceed in their quest to find out the truth about their baby's death. Although they care deeply for each other, David and Dorian face the fact that it's time to call it quits. Ray asks Dorian out on a date.
April 27, 2009 to May 1, 2009: Schuyler shows Rex the bag of blood he retrieved from the hospital and accuses Stacy of being up to no good. Rex doesn't buy Schuyler's story and defends Stacy, labeling her a hero for stepping up and saving Shane's life. Roxy pulls the plug on Rex's father and later gets a call from a nurse at the clinic informing her that the patient died. In reality, however, Rex's father is still alive. Starr sneaks Cole into La Boulaie, determined to help him beat his addiction. Jessica and Brody make love. Rex and Gigi are both devastated after explaining to Shane that they've broken up. Dorian admits to her date, Ray, that she sometimes does bad things, but he isn't put off by her admission one bit. Langston and Markko make plans to sleep together on prom night. Dorian's worst fears are confirmed when Todd arrives to pick up his kids after being awarded temporary custody. John and Marty successfully make their way to Rochester. John explains to Marty he believes the killer is somehow connected to her rape and since Todd and Zach are no longer viable suspects, the only other person left is Powell Lord. John and Marty hope their plan works when they try to pass themselves off as Kevin and Jessica in order to pay Powell a visit at the Sitwell Institute, the mental hospital where he's incarcerated. Bo and Nora's hearts break for Matthew as he heads back to school for the first time since being paralyzed. Bo and Nora kiss.
May 4, 2009 to May 8, 2009: Alone in Starr's room, Cole battles his demons while suffering through the first phases of withdrawal and envisions Matthew urging him to jump out the window. Starr stands up to Todd and demands he allow her to go to Cole. Starr returns to Cole, vowing to stay by his side. Although barely able to stand on her own, Blair makes her way to Todd's, determined to reclaim her children. When Todd refuses to relinquish custody, Blair settles herself in and states that as long as her kids living there, then that's where she'll stay, too. Gigi is heartbroken when Rex moves out. Shane wants to move in with Rex. Kyle blackmails Roxy into giving him a free room at the hotel. Stan, Stacy's ex-boss from Las Vegas, shows up at her door demanding the money she owes him. Powell and Rebecca put the next phase of their plan in motion. Todd, Tea and Blair receive invitations to the KAD fraternity's Spring Fling but later succumb to the effects of the chemically tainted invitations. Kyle puts the screws to Jared and Natalie when he confronts them with the truth about the baby Jessica is raising — it's Starr's thought-dead-at-birth daughter.
May 11, 2009 to May 15, 2009: Stacy takes the opportunity to stick it to Gigi when she decides to be the surprise entertainment at Jared's bachelor party at Rodi's and does a sexy dance in front of Rex. Bo and Clint argue about Bo's renewed closeness with Nora. A remark from Bo results in Clint impulsively proposing to Nora. After questioning Clint's motives, Nora says yes. Jessica has a brief memory of the night she gave birth at the vineyard. Rachel and Shaun have Asher arrested after catching him dealing drugs. Natalie and Jared elope. Jessica and Brody steal some romantic time together. Powell puts the next phase of his macabre plan in motion by holding Todd, Blair, Marty and Tea captive in the fraternity house room where he and Todd raped Marty. Powell torments his hostages while proclaiming he's going to have one of the women kill Todd. Marcie feels the need to be at the cemetery during Hope's exhumation. Langston and Markko tenderly make love for the first time.
May 18, 2009 to May 22, 2009: Locked in the room with Todd, Marty's memories start to come flooding back. After suffering through the traumatic memories of the night she was raped, Marty has a breakthrough and starts to remember the good things such as falling in love with Patrick and giving birth to Cole. Blair and Tea's lives are in jeopardy when Powell locks them in the boiler room at the fraternity house. Rebecca kidnaps Chloe from Llanfair and takes her to Powell. Powell reveals the truth about Chloe to Todd and Marty, who are disbelieving at first but then come to believe that the baby really is their granddaughter. Powell explains to Todd how he's going to use the baby to make him pay for ruining his life. After Jessica is told her baby died, Bess emerges and runs off with Chloe. As they succumb to the gas leaking into the room, Tea and Blair both admit that Todd is the love of their lives. They lose consciousness before Tea can reveal the secret she's been keeping. John finds them near death and carries Blair out of the gas-filled room first. Seriously injured in the building collapse, Tea is rushed to the hospital.
May 25, 2009 to May 29, 2009: Bess fights letting Jessica come out when she sees that Brody is calling again and throws the phone out the car window. Tess emerges and tries to talk sense into Bess, pointing out that Bess can't raise a baby on her own. Brody is determined to find Jessica and bring her home. Bess, posing as Jessica, arrives at the home of Nash's parents, Phil and Cindy Brennan. Bess thinks everything's working out when Phil and Cindy invite her and Chloe to stay for a few days. Nora reluctantly admits to Bo that she and Clint are engaged. Stacy gives into Kyle's blackmail and pays his bail. Stan drops in on Rex, who remains skeptical of Stan's claim that Stacy stole money from him before she left Las Vegas. Blair reaches out to Todd at the hospital. Todd learns Tea survived the surgery. Tea reminds Blair how they both admitted that Todd was the love of their lives, but Blair denies having any memory of ever saying any such thing. It's Tea's turn to feign ignorance when Blair brings up the secret Tea said she wanted to share. Blair and Tea agree that anything they said in the boiler room will stay just between them. Todd suggests that Tea recuperate at his place when she gets out of the hospital. John and Marty share a passionate kiss but mutually agree the time isn't right for them to make love. Dorian shocks Langston and Markko when she reveals how Lola tampered with their condoms and confessed to killing her mother. While Blair, Todd and Marty fill Cole and Starr in on the details of the baby switch, John delivers the whole story to Michael and Marcie.
June 1, 2009 to June 5, 2009: Bess finds the police closing in as she attempts to flee with Hope. Pretending to be Jean, Viki pleads with Bess to look at the situation logically and realize that Jessica needs to face the truth. Viki's love and compassion reaches Jessica, who begins to face the realization that her baby is dead. With Viki's love and support, Jessica remembers everything about the night she gave birth. Viki's and Clint's hearts break as they watch Jessica say her goodbye to Chloe. Viki hands the baby over to Todd and Blair. Brody finds an utterly devastated Jessica in the nursery. Starr tells Todd that she's stopped hating him. A calculating Stacy hands the money over to Stan, but not before she has him punch her in the face so as to gain Rex's sympathies when he sees her bruises. Schuyler and Gigi's plan to expose Stacy's lies hit a snag when they discover her blood sample missing. Rachel questions Nora's motives for accepting Clint's proposal. Cristian and Layla agree to take on Fish as their third roommate, but it might not be smooth sailing for the threesome. Destiny is privately happy to be able to spend more time with Matthew while she helps him study.
June 8, 2009 to June 12, 2009: Todd and Blair bring Hope home to Starr and Cole. Cole is clearly affected when he holds his daughter for the first time. Starr signs the papers legalizing the adoption and hands her baby over to Marcie. Marcie is decides Hope should be with her birth mother. Jessica's consumed with guilt as she blames herself for her baby's death, but Brody assures her she's strong enough to face anything. Brody declares his love for Jessica, who feels as though she doesn't deserve it. Brody tells Jessica there's no way she can make him stop loving her and takes her in his arms when she breaks down in sobs. Charlie surprises Viki with a marriage proposal. Clint catches Nora off guard with his desire to get married sooner rather than later. Marty lets John know exactly how she feels about him, making it clear she'd like to pick up where they left off before her accident. John admits to Blair that he wants to try and pursue something with Marty. John tells Blair they can be married in name only. Tea moves into Todd's to recuperate but decides to stay in the guest room, explaining she can't share his bed again until she feels like she's really the woman he wants to be with. Dorian is hurt and angry when Ray announces he's leaving Llanview for good.
June 15, 2009 to June 19, 2009: Marcie and Starr have a heart-to-heart talk, with Marcie telling Starr she sees how much she's matured since Hope's birth and can tell she's ready to be a mother to her own daughter. A spiteful Asher tempts Cole with pills. Although tempted to find a temporary escape, Cole comes to his senses and decides to throw the pills into the water just as a cop approaches him. Cole faces serious trouble when he's arrested for drug possession even though he was in the process of throwing the pills away. A drunken Dorian makes a disaster of the party Langston throws to celebrate Markko's graduation. Markko's conservative parents are horrified when Dorian reveals Markko and Langston slept together on prom night and forbid their son to have any contact with Langston. The judge rules that Todd and Blair will both retain custody of the kids but decides that everyone must live together under one roof. Michael and Marcie decide to move to Seattle to start a fresh life. Bo advises Rex to take things slow with Stacy after noticing their growing closeness. Schuyler later tells Gigi he has proof that Stacy didn't save Shane's life. Gigi realizes she can't expose Stacy's lies until she discovers who Shane's bone marrow donor really is. Layla agrees to go on a date with Fish.
June 22, 2009 to June 26, 2009: Starr and Cole don't know what to expect when Todd walks in to witness Cole's marriage proposal. Todd surprises both Starr and Cole when he doesn't go ballistic, going so far as agreeing to give his consent for them to get married even after learning about Cole's arrest and upcoming jail sentence. Blair plays into Todd's hands when she's hesitant to consent to Starr marrying Cole. Tea is privately disappointed when Todd agrees to move to La Boulaie with Blair and the kids. Gigi confronts Roxy after Schuyler convinces her that Roxy knows more than she's saying about Stacy. Roxy keeps her secret but clearly feels guilty. Clint tells Bo and Nora that he found a doctor who thinks he might be able to help Matthew walk again. Shaun talks to Rachel about his brother Greg, the surgeon who turned his back on their family. Fish suggests that Layla apply for a job at the police station. Rex is vaguely troubled after he and Stacy make love as he starts realizing that Kyle is blackmailing her. Natalie and Jared demand that Roxy reveal the identity of Shane's bone-marrow donor.
June 29, 2009 to July 3, 2009: Gayle Collins, the nurse from the clinic, confronts Roxy and snatches the bag of blood she'd been saving in case Shane has a relapse. John tells Bo he'll return to the police force under the condition that Bo arranges for Cole to go undercover to bust the drug ring in Llanview instead of going to prison. Todd insists he has real feelings for Tea but isn't able to put those feelings into words. Despite their sparring, Todd and Tea fall into bed together. Dorian has her work cut out for her when she tries to convince Viki, Charlie, Moe and Shaun to attend the dinner party she's throwing in order to try and repair the damage she caused for Langston with Markko's parents. Meanwhile, Markko has his hands full convincing his parents to attend Dorian's dinner. Jessica encourages Brody to apply to the police academy.
July 6, 2009 to July 10, 2009: John pleads his case to Judge Runyon, who finally agrees to let him use Cole to try and bust the drug ring in Llanview. Starr and Cole announce that they aren't getting married but are still very much a couple and will raise Hope together. Natalie apologizes to Jessica for having misjudged Brody. Bo encourages Brody to apply to the police academy. Rex lays out his plan to Gigi, explaining they'll tell Stacy that Shane had a relapse and then follow her when she goes to retrieve the stem cells she squirreled away. Rex lies to Gigi, telling her he and Stacy didn't sleep together. Bo and Nora support Matthew as he struggles through his physical therapy. Matthew becomes very upset that his parents won't agree to the dangerous surgery that could make him able to walk. When Mr. Rivera questions Markko, he stands up to his father as he makes it perfectly clear he has no intention of staying away from Langston and even threatens to go up to her bedroom and have sex with her. Markko is tossed out of his house. At the Palace, Fish becomes uncomfortable when Layla points out that the waiter was flirting with him.
July 13, 2009 to July 17, 2009: Rachel has reservations about Cole going undercover but agrees to help out. John tells Marty he'd like to pick up where they left off the night Cole was arrested and they come together in a kiss. Schuyler is troubled when he realizes Rex lied to Gigi about sleeping with Stacy. Brody and Jessica get the good news that he's been accepted to the police academy. Rex, Gigi, Shane and a visiting Michael put on a good show for Stacy. When Michael announces that Shane has suffered a relapse, Rex lures Stacy into the trap by imploring her to save Shane's life again. Jessica apologizes to an understanding Starr and Cole for all the anguish she caused them. Jessica can't bring herself to hold Hope when Starr offers to let her do so. Tea rips into Todd when she catches him having sex with Blair. Todd tries to downplay his indiscretion, but Tea won't be mollified. Todd refuses to let Tea walk out of his life without a fight. Matthew remains angry with Bo and Nora over their refusal to allow Greg to operate on him. Clint and Bo end up getting into a major argument ostensibly about Matthew, but Clint realizes they're really fighting about his relationship with Nora. Marty confronts Todd, telling him he's ruined her for all other men, as she's too afraid to love someone. Tea goes to the firing range to try and take out some of her frustrations by shooting at a target of Todd.
July 20, 2009 to July 24, 2009: Stacy warns Gigi that the competition for Rex is just beginning. Gigi, having been pushed too far, attacks Stacy. Stacy ends up falling down the stairs after lunging at Gigi. Rex angrily demands answers from Roxy. Gigi races to get help for Stacy, interrupting Roxy as she's on the verge of telling Rex the truth about his father. Gigi's relieved to learn that Stacy is going to be OK. A doctor gives a delighted Stacy the unexpected news that she's pregnant. Rex continues to lie to Gigi, claiming he never slept with Stacy. Stacey tells Gigi and Rex she is having his baby. Kyle catches Cristian with the letter Fish left for him. Fish overreacts when Layla asks him if he's gay. Kyle is clearly miserable as he thinks about Fish. Starr asks Cole to spend the night with her before he starts his undercover work. They make love for the first time since the night Hope was conceived. Langston tries to bolster a heartbroken Markko after his father disowns him, saying he's no longer welcome at home. Bo and Nora are confident that Matthew doesn't stand a chance with his lawsuit, but he takes the wind out of their sails when he informs them Tea will be acting as his lawyer. Tea thinks Todd's lost his mind when he gives her a key to La Boulaie and asks her to move in with him, Blair and the kids.
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