Rated NC-17 (If you are offended by gay sex, then this story is not for you.)
Scene: 1
Setting: Outside Java, November 19, 2008
Time: Night
Characters: Luke Snyder & Noah Meyer
Luke and Noah are arguing again. That seems to be all they do lately. Luke is very drunk again. He pulls Noah into a kiss outside Java. Noah pulls back and starts to leave.
"Please Noah don't go. Won't you stay with me tonight? Can't we be together? Can't we finally make love? Isn't it time? Can't things be like they were before between us?"
"How can they Luke? I tried to stop you from cheating in the election, but I couldn't do it. I've tried to stop you from ruining your life with this drinking. I'm not even strong enough to do that. How can things ever be the same between us again Luke?"
Luke just stands there looking at Noah, unsure of what to say. He finally turns and starts to walk away. Noah watches him - tears in his eyes. He sees Luke getting his car keys out, and rushes to him grabbing his keys. "I couldn't stop you from the other things but I can stop you from this. You can ruin your life if you want but you are not ruining someone elses."
He takes the keys and leaves. He turns back and looks at Luke who is watching him. "Go home Luke. Get some sleep."
He turns and walks off. Luke just stands there awhile, watching Noah. When Noah gets in his car and takes off, Luke runs after him. "Dammit Noah stop. You can't walk out on me!!!" Luke shouts.
Noah just keeps going and Luke attempts to run after him.

Scene: 2
Setting: Outside Java/Brian's car, November 19, 2008
Time: Same Night two hours later
Characters: Luke Snyder, Brian Wheatley, Lucinda Wheatley, Emily Stewart, Dusty Donovan
Brian is in his car in the Java parking lot. He is talking to Lucinda.
"I wish you had let me stay with you tonight, Mrs. Wheatley?"
Lucinda grins. "I like the sound of that, dahling. There was no sense in both of us being uncomfortable. You get settled in at the house. I called home and they are expecting you. You just keep my side of the bed warm for me."
"I will," Brian says as some drunken patrons come by the car talking very loudly.
"Who was that?" Lucinda asks
"I'm in the parking lot at Java. I was going to have a drink and get something to eat before going home. I was so busy tonight I forgot to eat."
"Why didn't you say anything? I would have had one of the nurses get you something."
"To tell you the truth I didn't even realize I was hungry until I got in the car."
Lucinda's nurse comes in to give her a pain shot. "Dahling I need to go, the nurse is here to give me my shot."
They say goodbye. Brian tells her he will see her in the morning. He gets out of the car and starts walking to the door of Java. As he turns the corner to head for the door he notices Luke slumped down on the sidewalk - an empty vodka bottle beside him. He goes over to him."Hey Luke, What's up?" he asks, slapping Luke on the face to get his attention.
Luke opens his eyes, revealing very red and watery eyes to Brian. He slowly stood up grabbing the vodka bottle up as he did. Once he is on his feet, he raises the bottle in the air and waves it at Brian. "Hey, Brian ole' buddy, ole friend, how's life for you, everything's just craptastically wonderful for me." Luke says, then raises the bottle to his lips to take a big swig, only to find it empty. He starts to thow it on the ground, but Brian grabs it out of Luke's hand.
"What are you doing getting wasted in the parking lot like this? Don't you know you could get in trouble?" Brian asks.
"Hey I've fucked up everything else. I've lost Noah. So who cares what the hell happens to me," Luke shouts back.
"You and Noah fight again?" Brian asks.
"Everything was fucking great! Then I had to go and rig a school election, and all to get under the skin of some short, tight bodied blonde I used to want to be with. I got expelled, and he can't deal with it all. He thinks I still want Kevin." Luke slurs out.
"Luke, I'm sorry," Brian says.
"Yeah, considering how you feel about us faggots, I'm sure you are," Luke says.
"I thought we were past all that."
Luke just looks at him and starts to walk off. He stumbles and almost falls. Brian grabs him.
"Hey, easy there. Come on let's go back to your grandmother's and let's see if we can get you sobered up," Brian says finally catching a whiff of Luke too. "And get you cleaned up too. God you smell like a brewery. How much have you had to drink?"
"I don't know," Luke says pushing Brian away. "Just leave me alone. I'll be fine. Who cares anyway?"
"Your grandmother does. Your mom. Your dad. Shall I go on?"
"Big deal. They're family. They have to care.""Well I am only family by marriage and I care."
Luke looks at him, questioning what he means.
"Your grandmother and I got married tonight."
Luke comes to him and hugs him. They hug a little longer than normal for two guys when one is supposed to be straight. Finally Luke pulls back slowly looking at Brian. They stare into one another eyes. Luke is reminded of the way that Noah looked at him the night at the Snyder farm - the night they first kissed.
"Well....well....well, does the new bride know what you are into?"
They both turn to see Emily Stewart.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Brian asks.
"I am Emily Stewart, editor of The Intruder. I was hoping to get a comment from you about your marriage, but it looks like I found a better story. So does the new Mrs. Wheatley know about this side of you?" Emily asks.
Brian looks at her with such anger. "Miss if you were not a woman."
Luke pulls it together long enough to get between them. "Stop it Emily. Just go away and leave us alone."
Emily takes out her camera phone and starts to take a photo of Brian and Luke. Dusty comes up and grabs it from her. Dusty looks at her.
"What are you up to now Emily?"
"Leave me the hell alone Dusty. This is none of your business."
"There is nothing here to report. So you just leave us the hell alone," Brian says.
"That's not the way it looked to me." Emily says.
"What you saw was only two friends being there for one another." Luke says. "Noah and I had a big fight tonight, and as you can see I am not in the best of shape. Brian was trying to help and he told me about marrying my grandmother so I hugged him to congratulate him. Is that the story you wanted Emily?"
They just look at one another.
"I only report what I see," Emily says.
"Well let me give you something to report," Luke says. He goes to Brian and grabs him, pulling him into a kiss. Brian just looks shocked, even though Luke could swear Brian was kissing back. He looks at Brian a moment or two after breaking the kiss.
"Did you get that?" Luke asks Emily. "Oh that wasn't enough for you." Luke then goes to Dusty and plants a kiss on him. Dusty just pushes him away.
Emily just stands there watching. Luke then starts grabbing the patrons coming out of Java and starts kissing all of them - men and women both. Yelling to Emily after each one. Brian tries to stop him. Dusty finally tries to help. Finally one of the guys that Luke grabs, punches Luke out. Luke falls back into Brian's arms.
Brian looks at Dusty. "Will you help me get him to my car?"
Meanwhile Emily has been catching it all in pictures on her retrieved cell phone. Dusty stops long enough to grab the phone again. He throws it on the ground and crushes it. Brian reaches into his pocket and throws some money at her. "That should cover it."
They walk off leaving Emily very angry.
On the way to the car, Luke comes too. "What happened?"
Brian just tells him nothing.
"You know he is pretty far gone. He is going to need someone to take care of him tonight. Can you take him home?"
"No, I don't want to go home," Luke says trying to pull away from them.
Dusty helps get Luke into Brian's car. Brian looks at Dusty and thanks him for his help with Emily and with Luke.
"Are you going to be okay with him?"
"Yeah I'll take him back to Lucinda's. I'll stay with him and take care of him."
"Oooh I bet you will," Luke says reaching out to grab a hand full of Brian's ass.
Brian pulls away. Dusty looks at him. "Are you sure about this. He is sure out of it."
"Yeah, we'll be okay. I'll give him some hot coffee and get him a cold shower. He should be fine."
Brian gets in the car and drives off.
In the car, Luke says, "You can't take me to my parents house. Please don't take me there."
"Don't worry. You can come back to your grandmother's with me," Brian says. "Get cleaned up and then sleep this off! I'll take you home tomorrow."

Luke goes on to talk about how he has ruined everything in his life. He's embarrassed his parents. He's lost Noah. Brian tries to assure him that everything will look better tomorrow. But Luke won't listen.
Scene: 3
Setting: The Walsh Estate, November 19, 2008
Time: Same Night about thirty minutes later
Characters: Luke Snyder, Brian Wheatley
At the Walsh estate, Brian opens the door and helps Luke inside. He is relieved when it seems the staff have all gone to bed. He starts to help Luke up the stairs. He starts to take Luke to a room across the hall, but Luke begs him to let him stay in the room with him. He doesn't want to be alone tonight. Brian finally agrees. They enter Lucinda's bedroom. Brian looks around for the first time at the new room he will be sharing with Lucinda.
"You take the bed, and I'll sleep over there on that couch," Brian says.
He sits Luke down on the desk chair. He then bends down to look him in the eye. "You get in there and take a long, hot shower and get cleaned up. I'll get the bed ready for you, OK kid?"
"Ok sure" Luke says and gets up and stumbles toward the bathroom. When he almost falls Brian realizes he will have to help him. He walks with him into the bathroom and helps him undress. When he gets down to his boxerbriefs, Brian tries not to look but Luke can't get them off without stumbling, so he has to help. Brian just stands there staring for a moment. When he realizes that Luke sees him looking he says, "Sorry, I was thinking about something." Brian turns the water on and helps Luke into the shower. Luke sits down on the bench, and Brian tells him to stay there. He will be back in a minute.
"Thanks Brian," Luke says as Brian closes the bathroom door.
Brian goes to make up the bed and the couch, but he barely gets started before there is a knock at the door. He goes to the door. It is one of Lucinda's housekeepers.
"I wanted to check to see if you needed anything sir?" she asks.
"No I think I found everything. Well everything but some extra blankets. I have Lucinda's grandson Luke here with me. He has had some problems, and got pretty drunk. I was going to stay in the room with him. Could you get me some blankets for the couch?"
"Yes sir. Is Mr. Luke okay? Should I call Ms. Lily?"
"No, let's not trouble them. He will be fine. He doesn't want to go home, and I promised I would take care of him."
"Okay sir. I will be right back."
She returns shortly with some blankets. "Can I make up the couch for you sir?"
"No I think I can get it, but thanks. Luke's in the shower. I'm going to get back to him."
"I don't mind doing it sir..." suddenly her eyes went wide. "Oh my..." she said slowly.
Brian turned to see a totally naked, very wet Luke standing behind him. Luke looks at them in a very confused manner, "I couldn't find my clothes," he says. "Do you have them?" Brian runs to the couch and scoops up a sheet and tries to cover Luke with it, but Luke refuses to stand still.
He finally gets it wrapped around him. He looks at the housekeeper, "Ma'am, you better go unless you want another eyeful"
"O...K..." she stammers out continuing to look at Luke. "Um..I'll...be downstairs if you need anything.... and I'll check with you in the morning."
"Thank you ma'am," Brian says as she shuts the door and leaves. He turns to look at Luke who has pushed the sheet away and is looking around the room. Brian picks up the sheet and puts it back on the couch. "Okay, let's get you into bed. But first let's see if we can find some underwear at least for you to put on."
He goes to his bag and is searching for some. "I think mine will fit you," he says looking at Luke who's dick is starting to swell some...at least Brian thinks so. His dick sure looks bigger than it did a little while ago.
Brian grabs a pair of his briefs. He notices Luke go to the couch. He goes to him and starts to guide him away to the bed. "No you are sleeping over here," Brian says trying to guide him toward the bed.
Luke goes back toward the couch. "Brian can we talk a minute."
Brian says, "Okay, let's at least get you covered up. Here put these on," handing Luke the briefs.
"I don't wear those. Nobody wears those these days, do they?" Luke says.
"Yes they do. I do and other guys do too."
"I wear boxer briefs."
"Dammit Luke. Can't you wear these just tonight? I'm ready for bed."
Luke just stands there. Brian feels really not at ease. He finally excuses himself to the bathroom. He goes and looks at Luke's clothes. They smell so bad, even his undershorts. He knows Lucinda wouldn't want him on her sheets smelling of vodka. "Shit what are you going to do now Brian," he says to himself. How do I get out of this one? Remember dude you are married to his grandmother; he's not like the others. He finally takes a deep breath and walks back into the room to find Luke with a fresh vodka bottle.
"Where in the hell did you get that?"
"I found it over there?" Luke points to the liquor cabinet.
"Shit," Brian says trying to grab the bottle from Luke. "Let me have it Luke. I'll get rid of it."
"Why would you want to do that?" Luke says brushing up against him and grinding his already erect dick against Brian's fully clothed crotch. "That's no fun at all. Let's have some fun Brian. Let's drink until I forget all the fucking shit I've done," Luke says taking another drink. He then puts the bottle up to Brian's mouth and pours. Brian swallows some of it but the rest runs down his chin, onto his neck and chest.
"Now look what you've done!" Brian yells taking the bottle from Luke and trying to shake and wipe the alcohol off himself.
Luke grabs the lapels of Brian's dark suit and pulls him close. "I'll clean it up," he says and buries his mouth in the side of Brian's neck. He licks around the curve of Brian's jaw and across his chin, then mouths a trail down Brian's throat and down his open collar.
Brian gets lost in it for a moment, and then pulls back. He grabs Luke's shoulders and pushes him back, looking him in the eyes, "You don't want to do this kid."
"Yes I do. It's the one thing I've done tonight I know I want to do," Luke says, pulling away from Brian. "I want to forget. I want to forget Noah....the election....Kevin.....every fucking thing I've done.....just let me forget it all!" he yells and then pulls Brian into a passionate lip lock, grinding their two bodies together in the process. Brian resists at first but soon returns the kiss, their stubbly faces rubbing together. Brian's tongue pushes at Luke's lips. Luke opens and lets it in. Brian's tongue explores Luke's alcohol soaked mouth and Luke returns the favor hungrily sucking on Brian's tongue before slipping his tongue into Brian's mouth. After a long and very intense kiss, Brian spins Luke around and pushes his naked body down on the sofa. Luke stares up at Brian. They lock eyes for a moment.
"You sure you want this, kid?" Brian asks, placing his hand on his crotch, cupping his dick and balls to emphasize his question.
Luke doesn't say anything at first; just stares at Brian's now protruding crotch. He finally speaks, "Yes I want it. I know I want it." Luke grabs his dick with one hand and raises his legs up to reveal his beautiful firm ass to Brain. "I want to get fucked," Luke pleads fingering at his puckered hole. "Fuck me, now. If I can't drink to forget. Fuck me until I forget everything." He reaches up to pull Brian down to him, pulling him into another kiss, clawing at Brian's clothes. Any resistance Brian had is now gone. He thinks to himself that this isn't the way he planned to spend his honeymoon, but oh hell.
He stands up and slowly peels his jacket and shirt off his manly frame. Brian's pectorals are clenched tight, his nipples very hard. Luke looks, staring at his hairy chest, the treasure trail leading into his pants, taking it all in. Brian walks up closer to Luke and pushes his crotch towards Luke's face, his trousers are fully tented out now, covering a very impressive, very hard dick. Luke stares at the bulge mesmerized. Brian takes his belt off then, very slowly tantalizing Luke. He then unzips his fly and pries his raging erection free.
"Oh God man, it's so big," Luke says as he sees it for the first time.
Brian grabs firmly onto it, and runs the thick veiny shaft down this side of Luke's face. Luke closes his eyes; his mouth opens, breathing heavily as Brian rubs his hot cock down one side of his face then the other. Luke sticks his tongue out, hoping to catch a taste; his first taste of cock. Brian presses the fat, swollen mushroom head of his dick against Luke's wet tongue. Luke laps hungrily at it, then looks up at Brian with a deep longing in his eyes, then sucks the fat rod into his wet mouth.
"Oh man, it tastes so good. Better than I ever imagined," is all Luke says as he licks all the way down the length of Brian's thick, hairy shaft. Brian tries to pull away. He looks down at Luke. "What do you mean, better than you ever imagined?"
Luke just looks up at him.
Brian asks him, "Is this your first time Luke?"
Luke just shakes his head, going back to licking Brian's cock. He runs his tongue back up to the head and then down the other side of the long dick. Brian tries to pull back, tries to get Luke to stop. But Luke buries his nose in Brian's musty nut sack; inhaling for the first time his first one on one contact with a man. He can't believe he has waited this long. He always thought Kevin would be the first; then it was Noah. Oh hell..he finally says to himself, before looking back at the big dick in front of him. He moves back to Brian's nutsack, sucks one big ball into his mouth and rolls it around; then pops it out of his mouth and sucks hard on the other. Brian is still trying to resist, but soon it is too late again for him to stop.
"Luke are you sure?" he finally asks.
Luke doesn't answer. Well he does, but only by actions. He licks back up to the fat head of Brian's cock, flicks his tongue at the cleft and jabs his tongue at the piss slit. Brian runs his hand through Luke's blonde hair, and presses the young studs head down on his cock. He can't take his eyes off of what is happening. He can't believe what is happening. Why had he tried to fight this he thinks to himself. He watches as Luke swallows his big cock, the fat mushroom head pushes at the opening of Luke's tight throat now, trying to gain entrance. Luke gags at first but slowly forces the fat prick down his throat. He takes it in; all the way down to Brian's hairy pubes. Brian looks to see his hairy balls resting against Luke's chin. Brian moans and begins to buck his hips pushing his cock into Luke's hungry mouth. The young stud deep throats his engorged dick as if he is hungry and this is the last meal he will ever get. Luke lets it dive in and out of his raw throat over and over again. Luke reaches around and grabs Brian's ass trying to force the big dick even further down his throat. Brian grabs hold of Luke's head and begins skull fucking the eager young drunk hard and very rough. Luke takes every inch, every hard, powerful thrust, saliva drools out of his over filled mouth.
Brian finally pulls his dick out of Luke's mouth. Luke sits on the couch, and Brian joins him to slip his shoes and socks off. He then stands. Luke watches as he peels off his pants, and then slowly slips out of his white briefs. He stands before Luke completely naked.
"Are you gonna fuck me now," Luke asks.
"All in good time kid." Brian says. "All in good time."
Brian kneels down in front of Luke. He pushes Luke's legs up in the air and looks at his pink hole. He takes Luke's hands and puts them on Luke's legs, telling Luke to hold them up. Luke holds his legs up, looking between them as Brian begins to run Luke's rock hard cock over his face. Brian takes the head of Luke's dick into his hot mouth, sucking hard at the head. Luke moans loud at his first ever blowjob. He throws his head back as Brian works over his aching cock. Brian's hands are now all over Luke's body, feeling his tight frame as far as his hands can reach. One hand gropes at Luke's pecs; pinches and twists at Luke's small nipples. The other hand begins to probe Luke's perfectly shaped ass, moving in between the round globes to find Luke's virgin sphincter. Luke whines and squirms as Brian explores his very willing body.
"Oh god....do me......" Luke whines. "Fuck me now man........ooooo god........I want it so bad!" he begs.
"Don't worry, your gonna get it very soon!" Brian promises as he slips his long finger into Luke's tight chute.
"Let me see you finger that hole," Brian commands. Luke immediately forces one, then two of his own long fingers into his hole. He finger fucks himself hard for his hairy lover, looking longingly into Brian's eyes.
"Is that what you want to see," Luke asks expectantly.
"Oh yeah," Brian growls. He quickly adds two of his own fingers to mingle with Luke's own inside the young man's tight hole. Luke squeals as Brian's fingers join his own.
"Keep fingering that hole," Brian orders. "Let's get that baby open!"
"Mmmm...yeaaaahh!" Luke purrs as he grinds his asshole wildly against the fingers.
Brian keeps twisting his thick fingers into Luke's quivering ass and the young stud did the same, stretching his tight little hole; preparing it for Brian's thick erection. Luke squirms and his cries get even louder before Brian finally commands, "Stand up kid." pulling his invading fingers out.
Luke complies, trying to stand on his very wobbly legs. He stands up on the sofa in front of Brian. Brian gets to his feet in front of Luke and grabs Luke's hips. He quickly engulfs the boys dick into his wet mouth, swallowing it to the hilt. Luke cries out, leaning back into the wall and spreads his long arms out along the surface. One hand grabs the corner of the wall, and the other grasps hold of a oil painting that Lucinda recently had moved above the sofa. Luke's eyes close and he writhes against the wall as Brian's mouth and hands stimulate his body as never before. As Brian continues to deep throat Luke's hard dick, he also runs his hands all over Luke's hot body, up and down his, strong, hairy legs, over the contours of Luke's tight abs, then up to his chest and now erect nipples. Brian then runs one hand up the inside of Luke's legs and again his long fingers found the boys willing hole. He rams three fingers up hard into him, almost lifting Luke off his feet while he still deep throats his hard cock.
"HOLY SHIT!!" Luke cries out as Brian rams his fingers up into him over and over again as hard as he can.
"Oh god I want it so bad, Brian," Luke screams now. He pleads over and over again.
"Faaaawwwkyeah man!" Luke moans. "AAAAHHH!!! MAAAAAN!!!"
"Huh? You like that!!!" Brian asks as he continues tongue surfing on Luke's cock and fingering his hole.
"Oh shit!! Ahhh.. man! YES!" Luke moans insatiably. He grabs Brian's head and forces him deeper onto his cock, wiggling his ass at the same time. "Fuck me, man! Yeeeeaaahhh!".
"Please fuck me man!" he grunts trying to keep from getting lifted off his feet by Brian's powerful fingers. Brian pistons his fingers up into Luke a few more times, before pulling them out and releases his now very wet cock. He then climbs up on the sofa with Luke. He stands in front of him. He presses into Luke, grabs the back of his head and pulls him into an all consuming, devouring kiss. Luke feels the flicker of Brian's tongue against his own. It further ignites his sexual appetite and send his hormones raging.
"Fuck me", he whispers into Brian's mouth.
"You better hold on tight kid!" Brian warns. He spits into his hand, and rubs the spit all over his big cock as Luke watches. Then he grabs Luke under the legs and picks him up. Luke grabs onto the corner and the painting again as Brian lifts his legs up. He ends up pinned hard against the wall. Brian holds him up and positions his big dick under Luke's waiting hole. Luke breaths hard as he feels the large head against his now pulsating rosebud.
"I'll ask again. Give you one more chance to back out. You want it kid?" Brian asks.
Luke winces in pain from the position he is in, but moves his head to look down between their naked bodies. The sight of Brian's throbbing fat cock positioned to plow his tight hole makes his cock jump, pushing a drop of pre-cum onto the head. He can't wait to take it deep. He pushes down, pulling his legs wider apart, and opening his hole even more to accept Brian's big pulsating prick. He can't even speak. He just shakes his head yes and tries to push down onto Brian's dick. Brian holds him firm, tickling his dick against the wanting hole, taunting him with it.
"Oh god.....PLEASE....gimme that big fucker!" Luke finally cries out.
"Be careful what you wish for kid! This is going to hurt like a motherfucker!" Brian finally says. Then in one powerful upward thrust he pushes the entire length of his fat cock all the way up Luke's tight chute. The boy's body spasms and he cries out loudly, "OHHHHHH! FUCK!!!" as tears run down his face, despite his trying to stop them. Brian just lets his cock rest there; letting Luke get used to it.
Brian looks at Luke, "Are you still sure you want this kid?"
Luke looks at him a moment. He finally clenches has ass tight around Brian's hard cock inside him. "Yes!" he says shaking his head too. "I want it so bad."
Brian begins to move now, slowly at first.
"Aw Fuck Yeah! What a sweet ass!" Brian moans as he finally begins to thrust hard into Luke over and over again. Brian's thick, long dick slides in and out of Luke's inviting butt. Luke grinds down against the fat invader as best he can in the position he is in. He moans like a bitch in heat the whole time. Any pain there was is completely gone by now.
"God Yes...Oh God Yes" Luke moans as Brian pounds him relentlessly.
"Oh fucking ram my ass Brian! Oh god I love your big dick!"
Brian is sweating now, his sweat running down off him onto Luke. He breaths hard as he jackhammers his young lover. His strong muscles strain to hold the eager young man up as he power fucks up into him. Finally, he lowers Luke's sweat soaked body to the cushions. He places Luke leaning on his shoulders against the foot of the couch, his body pointed up in the air with his legs splayed out. Brian holds him at the hips, lines his cock back up with Luke's hole and pile drives hard down into Luke's hole. Luke cries out over and over as Brian spears his large fuck stick down into him continually.
"Oh give me that dick man!" Luke pleads. "Fucking dick my sweet ass! Harder!..........HARDER!" he yells.
"Harder kid, You want it harder?!" Brian yells as he thrusts at lightning speed down into Luke's gyrating body.
Luke's ass swallows up Brian's dick hungrily and the young stud continues to get fucked harder and faster as Brian continues to pile drive him with no mercy at all for his young lover. Brian's dick drives home into Luke's tight love chute relentlessly. Brian grinds his dick down deep into Luke's insides, filling the kid all the way to the balls with thick veiny cock with every powerful thrust. Luke can't get enough. His face now red, he stares up at his own ass stuck up in the air as Brian's fat cock plowed in and out of it. He then looks up into the the face of his older lover.
After several more deep thrusts, Brian finally pulls out and drops Luke against the sofa. He steps down off the sofa, catching his breath.
"Don't stop," Luke says, breathing heavily. After having his asshole stretched, the empty feeling only made Luke ache for more. Instantly he moans to have his hole filled again by the meaty cock.
"Put it back in, please!" he says spreading his legs, letting Brian see his still gaping hole.
"Have to stop for a minute or I'm gonna cum," Brian warns. "It's too soon for that. I want to make this last. I don't want you to ever forget your first time. So kid, how do you want it next?" Brian asks. "Doggie? Missionary?"
"Oh yeah," Luke says, getting up on his shaky legs, crossing the short distance to the foot of the bed. He grabs the foot board and pushes his ass out at Brian. He reaches back and spreads his cheeks apart, making his hole wink at Brian. "Does this answer your question?"
"You sure you want this back in there?" Brian asks, as he stands there stroking his big wet slimy cock. He walks over to Luke and pushes three long fingers hard into his waiting hole.
"You want granddaddy's big cock to fuck you deep some more?" he says as he twists his fingers hard and deep into Luke. Luke pushes back onto his fingers, clenching his ass tight around the invaders. He moans loudly, shaking his head yes, unable to speak, as Brian adds a fourth finger, and rams them into Luke and lifting up, pulling the kids feet off the floor by his stuffed ass hole. Luke cries out loudly; begging for more.
"AWWW Fuck!!!" Luke cries as his feet are lifted off the ground over and over by Brian's invading fingers. "Fuck me!" Luke cries as he pulls Brian's fingers inside him. That is what Brian had been waiting for, to feel Luke's ass pulling him back in. He removes his fingers from Luke's hole and moves back between Luke's legs. He looks down at Luke's beautiful hole, then spits letting the spittle drop into his hole, and then rams his hot dick deep into the recesses of Luke's body. Luke bucks wildly, pushing his ass back into the power fucking he is receiving from Brian.
"This what you wanted?! Huh?" Brian growls.
"Yeea--OOOH!..Mmmph!..Ahh-Yeaah!" Luke stammers as Brian works him over.
Luke's head jerks up and down as Brian sets into a powerful rhythm of fucking. It was now they got down to some good smooth fucking. Brian had fucked out all of the rough spots and now his cock was gliding in and out of Luke's hole like a well lubed machine. Luke was in a perpetual state of bliss with every stroke of Brian's big dick. His asshole curved to Brian's dick and his sphincter muscles were relaxed, gently kissing Brian's dickhead as he plowed inside again and again. Luke's cries, Brian's moans and the sound of Brian's balls slapping into Luke's firm ass filled the room. The bed shook and slammed into the wall as Luke held onto the foot board for dear life as Brian pounded away at him. Neither one of them cared if anyone in the house heard them at this point.
"Oh god don't stop! Don't ever stop fucking me!" Luke pleaded.
"Yeah, feel that fucker!" Brian said as he skewered Luke on his thick pole. "This is what you wanted?"
"FAWWK Yeah!" Luke moaned. He arched his back as he rattled Brian's dick around in his ass, making sure he felt every inch. "Ooooh shit! Man, that's a big fucking cock! Aaaahhh!!"
Brian doesn't want to ever stop, but he knows he can't last forever. He pulls his cock all the way out of Luke's ass then rams it back in hard, making him squeal, then does it over and over several times, grinning when he hears the stud cry out for it each time! He then pulls out and jams his fingers back into Luke's stretched and abused hole again lifting the young fuckers feet off the ground. Luke begs for more dick, his body shakes all over now with uncontrollable lust from their red hot sex. Brian picks the kid up and flips him over onto the bed. He immediately circles around and climbs on the bed directly on top of his young lover, pressing his hairy body against his. He kisses Luke deep and passionately and fingers up into his ass again before quickly replacing the fingers with his pulsating and now aching, throbbing cock. Luke wraps his legs around Brian and puls him into himself harder. Brian is close now. He wants them to go together. He wraps his hand around Luke's throbbing cock and begins jacking off Luke's oozing, rock hard cock as he fucks into him. Luke squirms and moans more than ever, loving the feel of Brian deep inside him, his hole being stretched to new limits and speared to new depths and he loves it all. Luke is almost completely spent; his tight muscles spasm as he feels his release coming.
He is getting close to cumming. He knows it. And he feels from the look in Brian's eyes that he is too. Although he is drunk with liquor and lust, he suddenly remembers that Brian is wearing nothing.
"Oh man," Luke cries, lifting his head up off the bed, "you aren't gonna cum in me are you?"
Brian is too far gone to mean anything he says. At this point there is no way to stop this train, but he promises he will pull out in time. He resumes his thrusts at full speed. He intensifies his stroking of Luke's cock, which is now oozing precum by the gallons.
"Oh God..Oh God I'm gonna blow," Luke begins to howl, then his abs clench tight, his balls churn and suddenly Luke's dick explodes, shooting shot after shot of cum. Luke's dick gushes and covers his own stomach and chest with his huge creamy load. He even shoots over his own head as Brian's dick slams his prostate repeatedly.
"Yeah, shoot that fucking load baby," Brian says watching Luke's face as he climaxes. The combination of the look of satisfaction on Luke's face and the pulsating of his ass around his cock as he cums, pushes Brian closer to his own climax. "Fuck I'm close!" he finally cries.
"Remember what you said," Luke says. Brian just looks down at him, never stopping his thrusting.
Brian leans down and kisses him and then prepares to fuck his load out. He firmly grips each of Luke's tight little butt cheeks glowing with sweat now in his hands. He pulls Luke up and closer to him and pounds his cock in and out of Luke's ravaged hole. Luke whimpers lifelessly as Brian manhandles his hole, their thighs slap together, Brian's balls slap against Luke's hole as he pounds relentlessly into Luke.
"UHHHhhhhnnnnNNNN!!! Yeah baby! Yeah!" Brian pants as he feels the cum rising from deep in his nuts, "Here it comes! Here it comes!....YYYAAAHHHHhhh!! BABY! YEA-HA-HA-YEAH!!!!!"
Luke tries to pull away, but Brian holds him tight pressing into him as he bucks and shakes violently as a torrent of cum erupts from his dick deep into Luke's warm welcoming love chute. Luke comes alive again as he feels every muscle in Brian's body harden. He clutches him tight, savoring every drop of the stud's dick juice that Brian pumps into his ass. They remain just like that, slowly making out with each other as they feel the aftershocks of their fuck session ripple through their bodies.
Brian finally pulls back when he realizes Luke is crying. He stays inside Luke letting his cock slowly soften.
"Hey what's wrong kid?"
"You......promised......." Luke tries to get it out, but can't. He tries to get away from Brian.
Brian holds onto his face, looking into his eyes. "Hey it's okay. I'm clean. I was tested a few weeks ago. I never would have if I didn't know. And you said this was your first time, so you are clean too, right?"
Luke shakes his head yes. Brian kisses him again, wiping the tears from Luke's eyes. Brian finally pulls out and collapses beside Luke, rubbing the young man's chest as they both catch their breath.
Brian finally gets up and heads to the bathroom where he pisses what seems like a gallon. He stands at the mirror. "Well you asshole, you had it good, and you blew it all for a piece of ass again. When in the world will you quit being lead around by your damn cock?' he says to himself before heading back into the bedroom.
He asks "So, did you get what you wanted kid?" But Luke is already passed out, fast asleep.
Luke awakens later in the dark room not remembering where he is. His head is pounding with the most wicked hang over he has ever had. As his eyes adjust to the faint light coming through the window he realizes he is in his grandmother's bedroom. He thinks to himself "what the hell?" He turns to see he is not alone and judging from the broadness of the back facing him it sure isn't his grandmother and he even realizes it isn't Noah. "What the fuck?" he whispers to himself. "What the hell did I do?"
"What are you doing kid?" he suddenly hears. He recognizes the voice as the voice of Brian Wheatley.
"Um..wha...I don't' know..." Luke begins to stammer.
"Your supposed to be on the couch." Brian says realizing Luke doesn't remember anything. "You must have wandered over here in your sleep." Brian also thinks to himself that he is one lucky son-of-a-bitch.
Luke begins to get out of bed. "Oh shit, what am I doing. I'm naked!" he says.
"Then get back to your damn couch!" Brian yells. "I don't want a naked kid in my bed! Especially not my wife's naked grandson."
Luke begins to move toward the couch, wondering why in the hell his ass hurts so bad. He begins to have very foggy memories of the fight with Noah and running into Brian at Java. He sits down on the couch, and looks over at Brian. He asks, "Brian, what happened?" but from the way his ass feels as he crossed the room and as he sat down, he was pretty sure he knew.
"Nothing kid," Brian says. "You were wasted...just go back to sleep."
As he sits there on the couch, more and more little memories -- hot sweaty memories begin to fill his head. He suddenly looks around hoping to find his underwear, but can't find any of his clothes. He still doesn't know all of what happened, but what he can remember he is totally embarrassed. He has got to get out of there, he thinks.
He finally gives up looking for his clothes, "Brian where are my clothes?"
"They are in the bathroom. You left them there when you got a shower," Brian says very groggily as he is almost back asleep. "Just go to sleep kid. We'll get one of the housekeepers to wash them in the morning and I'll drive you home. Just go to sleep."
Luke finally wraps the sheet around himself, and lies down on the couch As he lies there, he wonders if he was dreaming. Did he really sleep with Brian? Had he given his virginity up to his grandmother's boyfriend -- his ass sure felt like he did? Wait didn't Brian say he was married to my grandmother when they were in the bed together a few minutes ago? When the hell did that happen? What was Noah going to think when he found out? Would he even care? Fuck that what would his grandmother think? Or his parents?
He begins to panic and both his nerves and all the alcohol from before finally play havoc on his system. Luke jumps from the couch and runs to the bathroom.
Brian sits up in the bed as he hears the sounds of Luke vomiting. He shakes his head, looks down at his crotch, "Look what the hell you got me into?"
He sits on the side of the bed and pulls on his briefs and heads off to the bathroom. Well you took his virginity, the least you can do is hold his hand while he pukes, he says to himself as he walks into the bathroom.
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