Wes and Lily were talking at Crimson Lights. She told him she knew that he'd lied about mixing up the dates on the tickets to Paris. She was tired of being jerked around by her parents and him and felt that they never listened to her or cared about what she wanted. As Wes was trying to explain things to her, he had to take a call from France on his cell phone. While she waited for him, Colleen approached her, reminding her they'd been in the same French class. The two confided in each other about how bad their relationships were with their parents. Lily said that Dru, Neil, and Wes were so wrapped up in their own lives that they never thought about the effect on her. Colleen told her that wasn't a bad thing. If Lily flew under the adults' radar, she could get away with all kinds of things. When Wes returned, Colleen left, and Lily told him that she wasn't mad at him anymore. She suggested that if he really loved her mother, he needed to make something happen because she was tired of her life being so scattered.
Neil told Dru that he'd been honest with Lily about the tickets. He was concerned about Lily's behavior, attributing it to her feeling of rootlessness and her sense of not belonging anywhere. He didn't really have much respect for Wes's parenting skills, so he thought it was time for Dru and Lily to move in with him and become a family. Dru said that she thought he was just using Lily's situation to get to her. Neil said that even if he was, it would be good for Lily in the long run, since she needed to be in a home with love. Dru said that Wesley did love Lily and her, and Lily loved him. When Neil asked if Dru loved Wes, Dru was unconvincing in her assertion that she did. Neil smiled, told her they had a lot of past to work out, and kissed her. This time, Dru didn't push him away.
Phyllis was still arguing with Michael at Gina's about whether or not Michael should represent Diane, since Diane had obviously set the fire and been willing to see Phyllis convicted of it. Michael said he wasn't sure Diane was guilty, but even if she was, she deserved the best legal counsel she could get. Phyllis forbade him to take Diane's case. As the two were arguing, Jack came in. He added his voice to Phyllis's, telling Michael that Kyle was better off with him and Phyllis. Michael said that the police didn't have any convincing evidence against Diane, so it was doubtful the case would even go to trial. Jack told him that he could not tell Diane that, as Jack was in the middle of making a deal with her. He and Phyllis would help weaken the case against Diane if Diane would sign over custody of Kyle to them. Michael said he couldn't ethically keep the information about the police's weak case against Diane. When Jack and Phyllis continued to badger him, Michael refused to go along with their scheme.
Isabella went to see Diane and got caught up on what was going on with the arson investigation. Diane told her that she was innocent, but she felt like the police were going to go after her. She then told Isabella about Jack's offer. When Isabella asked what she was going to do, Diane said there was no way she was going to let Kyle be raised by Phyllis. After Isabella left, Diane anxiously tried to figure out what to do. Michael returned and told her that his answer was yes. He would take her case. She hugged him with relief, but Michael continued to look troubled.
Olivia was startled when Victor showed up at her office. He told her that he'd sensed something was bothering Ashley. Olivia refused to tell him anything, which only made Victor more suspicious. He refused to leave when Olivia told him that she didn't have time to talk to him. Instead, he sat down, reminding her that she was Ashley's best friend. He had abided by Ashley's wishes that he stay away from her for the good of her marriage to Brad. But if Olivia thought Ashley needed him, he wanted to help her. Olivia still refused to talk to him. Finally Victor wondered if Brad was having an affair. When Olivia grew more uncomfortable, Victor said that he would go to the Carlton house and get the answers for himself. Olivia told him that would be a mistake. The best thing he could do was wait for Ashley to come to him, otherwise he might be causing a lot more trouble for her. Victor seemed unconvinced as he left her office.
It shocked Brad when Ashley told him that she'd been artificially inseminated. He'd never even considered that. Ashley reminded him that she'd never anticipated getting married again, and her biological clock had been ticking. She'd done something drastic, and perhaps it had been a mistake to withhold information from him. Brad surmised that she was second-guessing herself because of health concerns regarding Abby. Ashley assured him that she'd used the best doctor in Chicago to handle the insemination. Besides, she knew the identity of the biological father. Brad became agitated and insisted that Ashley just tell him what was really bothering her. Ashley told him that Victor was Abby's biological father. Brad became angry, saying that he'd deserved to know that information. When Ashley asked if it changed his feelings about their daughter, or if he would not have married her if he'd known, Brad replied that at least he should have had all the information before he made his decision. He then angrily left the house, and Ashley sank to the sofa and cried.
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