December 29, 2008 to January 2, 2009: Nicole bonds with pregnant teenager Jill. Nicole shows up at Dr. Baker's clinic demanding he find her a baby. When Nicole and Brady arrive at the clinic, Dr. Baker tells her the mother changed her mind and left. Nicole returns to the DiMera mansion and is ready to confess everything when EJ confesses his love for her and proposes marriage. Sami and Rafe discuss her options over a game of poker. Rafe is insistent that Sami will not see Sister Theresa again. Sami agrees. Meanwhile, the killer is foiled in his attempt to trace Rafe's cell phone. Stephanie has a slightly unsettling chat with Chloe about Philip's romantic history. Philip enters and asks Stephanie to ring in the New Year with him at Chez Rouge. Melanie overhears and accepts Maggie's invitation to the same New Year's party.
January 5, 2009 to January 9, 2009: A reluctant Lexie brings Theo to see Stefano, but gets into a fight with him over the boy and his diet. Theo wanders off during the argument and climbs up the stairs. Horrified, Bo flashes to the event as Theo loses his balance and falls. Theo is rushed to the hospital. Daniel says that Theo will need surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. Theo survives the surgery. Mia agrees to let Nicole adopt her baby. EJ crosses paths with Lucas and Chloe and congratulates them on their engagement. John tells Charlotte he's decided to go through with the hypnosis. Marlena overhears this and has mixed feelings. Under hypnosis John remembers the first time he saw Marlena. Sami seizes on Rafe's delirium and attempts to make a call to the convent, but Rafe wakes up and asks Sami to help him to the shower. During his shower, Hilda comes by with a present, and warns Sami that the slightest impulsive slip up could compromise everyone's life. Rafe comes out of the shower and passes out. Hilda finds herself face to face with the killer. When Kate tells Daniel she wants to put their relationship on hold he goes to Chloe, who admits she has feelings for him.
January 12, 2009 to January 26, 2009: Sami receives assurances from Sister Theresa that they will help her with her baby. Hilda is captured by the killer. Refusing to give the killer Sami's location, Hilda is murdered. Afterward, the killer vows to track Sami down. EJ is drawn into the family business, while Tony tries to warn Nicole. She is happy EJ's doing all of this for their family, but Tony warns at some point the family business will be more attractive than her. Lucas and Kate think Max and Chelsea are more than friends. Melanie's positive statement about Nick greatly reduces his jail sentence. Chloe and Daniel make passionate love. John is distraught when Charlotte tells him his chances of getting his memory back are essentially zero to none. Marlena confides to Brady she is suspicious of Charlotte, but perhaps she's overreacting. Charlotte proposes to John that he start a new life with her help. Brady enters Charlotte's office, where he finds the video of John's hypnosis session, and realizes that Charlotte's a liar because his dad is getting his memory back. EJ and Stefano plot to take control of the Alternative Fuels Project from the Kiriakis family. Meanwhile, when she returns to her office, Charlotte realizes someone broke into her laptop and saw John's session. Marlena returns home and Brady tells her he e-mailed John's hypnotherapy session. He shows her some of the session in which John remembers Marlena.
January 29, 2009 to January 23, 2009: Rafe and Sami learn Hilda was murdered. Rafe learns the safe house has been compromised and rushes Sami to the convent just as the killer enters the safe house. Marlena and Brady watch video of John's hypnotherapy session and come to the conclusion that Charlotte lied about John not remembering his past. Marlena convinces Brady to let her handle Charlotte by reporting her. Marlena is confronted by Charlotte. Marlena tries to reason with her, but when John calls, Charlotte pulls out a syringe filled with a lethal toxin. John hears and rushes over and stops Charlotte — but not her syringe, as it's plunged into him. John tells Marlena she's safe and he drops to the floor. John comes to and is rushed to the hospital. Marlena keeps vigil by his bedside, telling him all about their life, love and family. After Marlena kisses John, he suddenly opens his eyes and whispers he remembers everything! John recovers his memories, but may remain nothing but a physical vegetable from the neck down. Time being of the essence, Marlena takes charge and decides to go with John to Europe for treatment. John and Marlena share heartfelt goodbyes with Brady, Roman and Kayla. Even Stefano shows up, and is upset when he is given the cold shoulder. Before leaving, John and Marlena are married once again in an emotional impromptu ceremony. Nicole learns Sami is pregnant with EJ's baby. Chloe says Daniel is the one she wants, but Daniel says they can't be together. When the two try to part ways, they end up giving into temptation and share a searing kiss.
January 26, 2009 to January 30, 2009: Mia and Sami both go into labor at the same time. While Sister Theresa rushes Sami to see Dr. Baker, Nicole arrives at Mia's apartment to find the young woman is too far along to take her to the clinic. Mia can't move so Nicole helps her deliver a baby girl. Mia has doubts about whether she should give the baby up for adoption, but ultimately decides to go through with it. While Mia is sleeping, Nicole says she's grateful for the baby, but wishes she were EJ's child. Meanwhile, Sami arrives at the clinic and has a difficult delivery. The baby is in distress and Dr. Baker fights to deliver quickly. Nicole wants Baker to give her Sami's daughter and give Sami Mia's daughter. Max warns Philip to stay away from his sister. Philip is determined to obtain rights to Melanie's project.
February 2, 2009 to February 6, 2009: Maggie confronts Chloe, who tries to explain her affair. Maggie seems upset, but when they meet up with Lucas, she decides to say nothing. Maggie instead puts Chloe on warning as Chloe swears she is done with Daniel. Chloe and Daniel make love, Hope and the killer face off at the hospital as the killer holds Kayla hostage. Hope, in an effort to subdue the killer, shoots Kayla by mistake. Bo and Steve take down the killer, and Hope is horrified. Lexie rushes Kayla into surgery. Bo tells Hope not to blame herself; it was an accident. Bo admits that if anyone is to blame it should be him. Hope is pained to learn that Bo's vision was of her shooting Kayla. As Kayla fights for her life, Hope is investigated by internal affairs. Nicole and EJ bring home their baby. Despite a phone call with Mia and a pediatrician pestering her with questions, Nicole heaves a big sigh of relief as she and EJ settle in at last to enjoy their happy family. Nicole names her baby Sydney. Sami persuades Rafe, with some help from Roman, to let her stay at the convent a little longer. Sami is reluctant to abandon the baby, and nervous about returning to her old life in Salem. Sami names her baby Grace.
February 9, 2009 to February 13, 2009: Sami wakes up, worried that Rafe isn't around. Sister Theresa tells Sami that Rafe had a meeting with his boss. When Rafe returns, he tells Sister Theresa his meeting did not go well and his job is on the line. Kayla forgives Hope for shooting her. Hope admits her distress with Bo for not sharing his vision and reluctantly reveals that Steve knew of the vision. When Hope returns home, she tells Bo she's moving in with Doug and Julie. She's angry with herself and needs time to think. A devastated Bo watches Hope leave. Nicole, Brady and EJ rush to the hospital when Nicole discovers that Sydney has stopped breathing. Lexie returns and informs everyone that Sydney has a minor medical condition and will make a complete recovery. Nicole is warming a bottle for Sydney and believes she's finally in the clear when Dr. Baker shows up. When Dr. Baker demands more money, Nicole asks Brady for help. Brady finally agrees to break into Victor's safe. Victor catches Nicole and Brady breaking into his safe. Brady lies to Victor and tells him he borrowed money from Nicole and now he's paying her back. University Hospital holds a fundraiser at Chez Rouge, and Salem's rich and powerful decide to attend. At the Kiriakis mansion, Chloe consents to set a wedding date with Lucas, praying this commitment will end her infatuation with Daniel once and for all. She breaks down and races out of Chez Rouge. Lucas follows her to the pier and Chloe tells him she can't marry him.
February 16, 2009 to February 20, 2009: Melanie is stunned when she sees Chelsea and Max share a kiss. Steve is alarmed when Kayla tries to leave the hospital to defend Hope at the hearing. After Bo is forced to admit to the officials Hope's wrongdoing, Kayla is wheeled in by Steve and testifies to put Hope in a good light. Hope is suspended from the force. Bo urges Hope for another chance to work through this together. She leaves him utterly crushed. Chloe runs into Lucas with Allie, who is tearful because she misses Chloe. Lucas is very angry with Chloe, but admits he still loves her. Lucas takes a drink. Daniel receives Kate's test results and informs her she is in remission from her cancer. Kate is overjoyed and makes it clear she wants to start over with Daniel. He realizes he can't tell Kate about his affair until he clears it with Chloe. Lucas arrives at Daniel's to confront him about sleeping with Chloe. Daniel is at the hospital. When Chloe opens the door to Lucas, there is an explosion. Lexie is still affected by the emotional distance she shares with Theo. Abe reassures Lexie by telling her that their son expresses his love differently, and she must understand that.
February 23, 2009 to February 27, 2009: Stephanie breaks up with Philip, stating that she can't deal with his business persona. Sami learns from Rafe that there was no one else involved with the mayor's killer. Sami can finally go home, but is torn because now she has to leave baby Grace at the convent. Sami returns home. When Sydney cries, EJ gets her and asks Sami if she'd like to hold the baby. Nicole quickly yells no. Kate and Philip share a warm moment when he learns she's in remission. When Lucas almost dies in the gas explosion, Chloe makes a deal with God that if Lucas lives, she will stay at his side forever. Kate sees a goodbye kiss between Daniel and Chloe and hears them talking about their affair. Sami visits Lucas in the hospital. She learns he was drunk and she blames Chloe. Lucas asks what happened to her baby with EJ. Sami lies, telling Lucas the girl was stillborn. She changes the subject back to Chloe, convinced she is the reason Lucas fell off the wagon. Lucas blames Sami because she kept Will from him. Suddenly, a teenage boy appears, having heard his name. It's their son, Will. Hope surprises Bo by telling him she misses him and wants to come home. Bo is thrilled. Hope says there's one condition: Bo must tell her about his visions. Bo agrees. After Hope leaves, Bo has a vision of Hope making love to an unknown man.
March 2, 2009 to March 6, 2009: Lucas and Chloe decide to give their relationship a second chance. Nicole is done with being blackmailed by Dr. Baker. Will schemes to reunite Sami and Lucas. Philip and Stephanie discover that all of Titan's computer files are missing. A computer technician arrives and states that a worm virus destroyed Titan's files, including the Alternative Fuels project. Philip guesses the "worm" is none other than EJ DiMera. Meanwhile, EJ semi-assuages Nicole's jealousy toward Sami. As the two make up, Philip arrives at the mansion to confront EJ. EJ retains the upper hand, and Philip, getting nowhere with his accusations, leaves. Stefano enters and expresses pride in his son. Meanwhile, Philip shrugs off Stephanie's comfort and worries about his father's reaction to what's happened to Titan. Roman needles Stefano about the hit on the mayor, but Stefano insists he had nothing to do with it. Roman says they'll see what happens. Stefano makes a private call to make sure all of his ties to the killer's employers are cut, and cryptically admits he was behind the mayor's death. Worried after Philip barges in that he might tell EJ about her secret, Nicole calls Brady to ask for his help. Brady apprises an upset Melanie during their game of darts that the fuels project is lost. Melanie shows a bit of her human side and she starts to see Brady as one of the world's few good guys. Back at the DiMera mansion, Nicole vows to find out what Sami's up to and to protect Grace. Sami visits Sister Theresa and asks her not to let anyone else hold her baby. She can only imagine the consequences if anyone happened to find out the truth about Grace. Later, she talks to Roman and asks him to pull some strings to help Rafe's employment status. Roman hopes Rafe will be able to stay in D.C. and asks Sami about her plans. Sami admits she's unsure about what she wants to do.
March 9, 2009 to March 13, 2009: Chelsea walks in to overhear Max tell Will that he can't wait to have children one day. Chelsea is reminded of her inability to have children, and runs out. After realizing from Daniel that there is no changing this, she goes back to Max and breaks things off. While Chloe clearly has jitters over Lucas as he tells her he can't wait to be married, they decide to elope. Daniel tells Kate he does not want to have a quick fling with her. Nicole's confidence that she's gotten away with her fake pregnancy only grows as Dr. Baker tells her he's leaving town. Hope is thrilled when Abe reinstates her on the force. Bo has another vision and is uneasy when he sees Rafe and Hope together at the police station. Hope is amused by Bo's jealousy, and they celebrate the fact that they're working together. Rafe runs into Sami unexpectedly and she learns that he has definitely lost his job in Washington. Rafe insists she take no responsibility and that if he had to do it all over again, he would, and that it was his decision to make. Rafe asks Roman for a job. Sami wants to bring Grace back to Salem, but Rafe urges her to reconsider and stick to her plan. Sami agrees and feels more confident knowing that Rafe is here with her. Little does Sami know, but it looks like Rafe is leaving town. However, he's torn. Rafe calls his New York contact and passes up on the job. Later, Will shows up and witnesses a close moment between Sami and Rafe. He talks about wanting his mom and dad together, but Sami says that's not going to happen; she's got other things on her mind. Will urges his mom that whatever she's about to do, she shouldn't do it. Brady refuses to give Melanie further confirmation of the destroyed fuels project, but she hears a Titan employee react in shock to the hard copy being destroyed as well. She confronts EJ, having learned that he is in with the fossil fuels people and never wanted the Alternative Fuels Project to become a success.
March 16, 2009 to March 20, 2009: EJ and Nicole decide to have Sydney christened. While they are making plans, Stefano tells the couple they should consider having the christening at the Convent of the Holy Cross. Nicole panics when Stefano finally asks her why she went to the convent. Nicole lies and tells Stefano that she was doing charity work. She soon realizes Stefano doesn't know she switched babies with Sami. Tony realizes that Mia, not Nicole, is Sydney's birth mother. Will arrives at the Brady pub and tells Sami that Lucas and Chloe eloped. Kate boards a plane to Las Vegas to try and stop the elopement. As Kate watches the video in which Lucas and Chloe recite their vows, she develops a devious new plan. Melanie plots to steal the fuels project plans from Max, who keeps the plans in the Cheatin' Heart's safe. Melanie gets the combo to the safe and gets her hands on the plans. She gives them to Tony, who tells Melanie he'll be in touch, and makes a hasty retreat. Bo is startled when he has another vision of Hope in bed with the mystery man. In the vision, Hope says she never thought her husband's premonition would come true. At the convent, Rafe finds himself face to face with an old friend, Sister Agnes. She worries he may be putting too much stock in Sami, but Rafe assures her this is not the case.
March 23, 2009 to March 27, 2009: Daniel tells Maggie she was right to condemn him for his relationship with Chloe. Although initially skeptical, Maggie comes to see Daniel has sacrificed his own happiness to ensure Chloe's with Lucas. Meanwhile, Chloe and Lucas return to the Justice of the Peace office to retrieve their wedding video. They are stunned to find Kate there waiting for them. Tony's plan to tell EJ the truth about Nicole's fake pregnancy is put on hold when he and Nicole overhear Sami tell Stefano and EJ that she's adopted a baby. Brady overhears Rafe leaving a message for Sami and introduces himself as Sami's stepbrother. Rafe talks about Sami's courage while in witness protection, and Brady realizes Rafe has feelings for her. Philip meets Tony on the pier and offers to buy the formula back. Tony laments about his predicament of following in Stefano's shadow, something he and Philip have in common. Tony urges him to make a clean break and be the man he wants to be because as long as he's in his father's shadow it will never happen. Victor fires Philip from Titan for losing the fuels project to the DiMeras. Nicole meets up with Brady and tells him Tony knows that she's not Sydney's biological mother. She tells him of her plan to steal the last copy of the fuels project from Tony to blackmail him into not talking. Brady calls Tony and asks him to meet him on the pier for "business." EJ and Stefano discuss Tony's leaving the family. Stefano is determined to make Tony pay for abandoning his family. Meanwhile, Nicole watches Tony and Philip fight. Tony, while on the stairs, gives way and falls on a broken wooden pallet. At the pub, Bo sees Roman and Hope talking. He immediately thinks of his vision of seeing them in bed together.
March 30, 2009 to April 3, 2009: Stefano, EJ, and Nicole hold vigil for Tony at the hospital. Nicole sneaks into Tony's room and tries to convince him to remain quiet about Sydney's true paternity. A nurse catches Nicole and informs her that Tony has a punctured lung, so he can't talk at the moment. The nurse forces Nicole to leave the room, but Nicole later returns to possibly harm him. Stefano tells Daniel he wants him off Tony's case. Daniel agrees to find a new doctor for Tony. Lexie learns about Tony's condition. She works to keep Tony calm. Tony's death sends shock waves through Salem. Nicole finally makes her statement to Hope, corroborating Philip's story that Tony's injuries were accidental. Philip is plagued by guilt and feels responsible for Tony's death. EJ reveals the mysterious contents of Tony's final note, leaving everyone's curiosity piqued. Stefano bids a private farewell to his dead son and vows revenge. EJ promises Tony he will learn the meaning of his final words. Slapping Stefano, Anna blames him for Tony's death. Bo questions Philip some more about the events that led to Tony being hospitalized. After some prodding and help from Hope, Philip reveals the entire story concerning his meeting with Tony. Sami and Rafe bond after Grace's christening. Rafe lays into Will and tries to get him to cut Sami some slack and eventually Will gives in. Lucas confronts Sami about her adoption, wondering whether Grace is Sami's biological baby. Sami manages to assuage his suspicions. After Lucas leaves, Sami spends time with Allie, Johnny and Grace. Kate offers Chloe a job hosting a TV talk show for Home and Hearth. Chloe discovers she's not pregnant. Lucas tells Kate, who's relieved that she doesn't have to protect Daniel or Chloe. Later, Chloe agrees to take the Hearth & Home job. Nicole is horrified to find her new pediatrician at Salem University is Dr. Baker.
April 6, 2009 to April 10, 2009: Stephanie and Philip run into an angry Stefano, who still blames Philip for Tony's death. Philip insists Stefano should be angry with himself for driving Tony to desperate measures to prove himself worthy of his father. Philip decides to move out of the mansion and into Stephanie's apartment, and goes back to work at Titan. Stefano hires a hit on Philip. Nicole learns that Dr. Baker has taken a job as a pediatrician at the hospital. She insists she'll go to the hospital board about his baby brokering, but Baker warns if she does, he'll reveal her secret about the baby switch. Will convinces Mia to hold Grace. Mia feels an instant connection to the baby, but the moment is broken when Nicole calls and insists they meet. Kate moves forward with her plans of revenge on Chloe. Kate arrives at the hospital and trails Chelsea on the job, surreptitiously observing the procedure for signing out controlled substances. Chloe and Lucas discuss the job with the Vancouver Opera House that threatens to take Chloe out of town.
April 13, 2009 to April 17, 2009: As Sami and Rafe fight in the corridor, Nicole recognizes Rafe as the so-called "cable guy" who infiltrated the DiMera mansion. While enjoying time with one another, Mia inadvertently learns about Nicole's past from Will. Melanie gets caught pulling a scam at the Java Cafe, but is saved by Brady. She relates how she is moving on from Philip, but questions Brady on his own romantic agendas. Brady makes it clear it's not going to happen with the woman he cares about. Truly becoming friends, Melanie advises him to talk to this woman and wishes Brady the best, which leaves him thoughtful. Mia confronts Nicole, who's at the Horton cabin preparing for her wedding. Mia accuses Nicole of lying to her about her past and insists on taking her baby back. Nicole admits to her shady past, but insists that because of her love for EJ and having lost her miracle baby, she has truly changed. Mia is not convinced, so Nicole explains that if Mia reveals the truth about Sydney, things might not go so well for Mia. Bo has another vision of Roman and Hope in bed. This time, he sees a newspaper on the bedside table with today's date. Hope, meanwhile, has to go on a stakeout with Roman, thinking he's the man in Bo's vision. They end up in a motel room, the same room in Bo's vision, and are unable to communicate with the police. Roman and Hope are trapped in the Hacienda Motel by a drug dealer and his dangerous clients they were sent to surveil. Roman and Hope call for backup, and prepare for the worst. Meanwhile, worried out of fear that his vision of Roman and Hope making love could come true, Bo continues to try to pinpoint the pair's location. Bo, finally receiving word on the location of the drug bust, rushes to the motel. Roman and Hope take defensive positions just as the door bursts open. Hope and Roman are shocked to find Bo. Bo realizes that his vision was not exact and apologizes to Hope for not trusting her. The two embrace. Sami tells Lucas that Grace is EJ's child, and she plans to tell EJ. EJ and Stefano have put the hit man on Philip's trail. They want Philip's demise to occur while they're at the church, thus having an alibi. The hit man traces Phillip and Stephanie to a hotel room where they are having passionate sex.
April 20, 2009 to April 24, 2009: Nicole weathers a series of interruptions to her long-awaited wedding day. Before Mia can make any real waves, Dr. Baker drags her out of the church. Baker fills in Mia on the sordid history of the DiMeras, convincing her at last that she can never claim Sydney as her own. Nicole and EJ exchange vows. They awake the day after their wedding and make love. Philip and Stephanie bask in the afterglow of making love, unaware that Masi, a DiMera hit man, is preparing to make his move at Stefano and EJ's behest. After Stephanie goes to freshen up, Masi makes his move and shoots Philip. Philip is rushed to the hospital and later flat-lines. Daniel rushes in to save him and the hospital staff works feverishly to keep Philip alive. Victor promises Philip that the DiMeras will pay. As Daniel is performing an experimental procedure on Phillip, Kate makes a pact with God: If Phillip survives, Kate will give up her vendetta against Daniel and Chloe. Bo follows Stefano to the Java Cafe, where he makes clear that he will not allow Stefano to get away with attempted murder, or to finish the job on Philip. Bo manages to overhear Stefano speaking to EJ on the phone and makes clear that he will get the evidence he needs to nail Stefano once and for all. Stefano returns home and is stricken with a pain. Sami returns home and learns from Will that Rafe returned her religious medal. Sami tries to call Rafe, but learns that his phone's been disconnected. Sami tracks down Rafe and explains that she must tell him how much he means to her.
April 27, 2009 to May 1, 2009: Brady finally realizes while talking to Nicole that he can no longer split his loyalties. He reassures Victor that his loyalties are with the family. Stefano goes to the hospital, where Lexie tests him for poisoning. Lexie informs Stefano he hasn't been poisoned; he is diabetic. Rafe is about to board the plane for New York but agrees to stay when Sami admits she loves him. Rafe wants Sami to tell him if she still has feelings for EJ. It's clear she made him think that at the church. Sami denies this and says she has feelings for Rafe — no one else. She kisses him, but Rafe is not convinced. He tells Sami she needs to sort out her feelings before Rafe reunites with Arianna. Sami tells Lucas he has to keep his lips zipped about Grace now that she's decided not to tell EJ the truth about the baby. Chelsea and Kate learn Billie's accident has caused her to need help in London. Kate wants to go, but can't leave Philip due to his injuries, so Chelsea volunteers. Max prepares for medical school.
May 4, 2009 to May 8, 2009: Sami sees Rafe and Arianna in a close moment and confronts Rafe about his "other woman." Rafe finally apprises Sami that Arianna is his sister. Feeling embarrassed from her accusation, Sami continues her conversation with Rafe about EJ and the wedding. At long last, Sami admits that she has feelings for EJ that won't go away, and as much as she hates them, she's aware it's dysfunctional. Kate confronts Daniel with her knowledge of his affair with Chloe. She gives him fair warning that she is letting bygones be bygones since she owes him for saving Philip's life. She continues to warn him if he should slip up again, she will make him pay. As Stephanie visits Philip, Nurse Camille shoos her out of the room and attempts to end Philip's life. Hope arrives on the scene and saves Philip's life. After Philip is released from the hospital, Stephanie agrees to move into the mansion with him. Chelsea breaks the news to Max about her imminent departure. Max wants to go with her, but Chelsea discourages this. She offers to give him his freedom to see other women, but he promises he'll be waiting for her. The two make love. Lucas leaves a message for Kate, wanting to get to the bottom of her changed attitude toward Chloe. EJ meets with Victor, who reveals that he has Stefano.
May 11, 2009 to May 15, 2009: Kate finds Chloe and Lucas' wedding photo and rips it in half. Nicole denies she tried to kill Dr. Baker, but he doesn't believe her and insists on telling EJ about the baby switch. However, he cannot reach EJ and believes Nicole when she says EJ will kill him for participating in the baby switch. Baker agrees to say nothing to EJ if Nicole agrees to stay away from him. Baker writes a letter saying that in the event of his death, Nicole DiMera was responsible. Rafe convinces Baker to leave town. Victor enters the room just as EJ realizes Stefano is alive. Victor has a nurse give Stefano insulin, keeping him alive until EJ signs over all of DiMera Enterprises to Victor. Bo becomes bewildered when he has a vision of finding Ciara's teddy bear abandoned in the woods. EJ makes contact with an inside man, Owen, who has been planted at the Kiriakis mansion by Stefano. Kidnapping Stephanie, Owen seals her in a morgue. Maggie is running the AA meeting attended by Brady and Mia.
May 18, 2009 to May 22, 2009: While hiding Stephanie in a morgue drawer, Owen contacts EJ. Victor refuses to give into Philip's demand that he release Stefano in exchange for Stephanie. Victor changes his mind when Philip brings up his dad's love for Caroline, asking that his father help him save the woman he loves. Victor agrees and Philip calls EJ to say the trade is on. Owen decides releasing Stephanie to EJ is a mistake. Arianna does not understand Rafe's love for Sami. Rafe and Sami finally make love. Rafe wants to adopt Grace. Arianna blows up at Rafe when he tells her his plans. She tells him he's getting way too involved and she's afraid that "it's" all happening again. Arianna and Brady bond over their disdain for Sami. Mia explains to Brady that she's not an addict; she lied to Will because she didn't want him to know the truth about her pregnancy or cause trouble for Nicole.
May 25, 2009 to May 29, 2009: Lucas and Daniel both have vivid dreams about Chloe. Lucas confides his fears regarding Chloe to Maggie while Daniel considers leaving town. He ultimately tells Chloe that he's not leaving because it doesn't matter. He will still love her no matter what. Owen overhears that Melanie and Philip are on to him and realizes he needs to change his plans to go away immediately with Stephanie. In the claustrophobic morgue drawer, Stephanie cries for Philip to save her and stops breathing. Owen gives her mouth-to-mouth and a disoriented Stephanie slaps him. Owen becomes angry, and Stephanie fears for her life when he pulls out a gun. Meanwhile, Brady and Melanie have been captured by Owen, and Brady is knocked out. Melanie tries to talk him down, but Owen is determined to have a life with Stephanie. Aware of Owen's threats, Melanie purposely drops her hospital ID badge before Owen locks her and Brady in the Kiriakis mausoleum. Melanie worries they're going to die, but Brady isn't giving up. In the morgue, Philip's "body" is nearly refused by Owen's father. Caroline admonishes Victor about the confrontation with the DiMeras on the pier. She's disappointed he hasn't changed and tells Sami she wishes she had never told Bo that Victor was his father. Caroline is not pleased when Sami tells her Rafe plans to adopt Grace. Caroline points out that Sami and Rafe hardly know each other, but Sami insists their months in witness protection have brought them closer than most people in normal situations. Rafe enters and reveals he got a job in construction. While Sami is happy for him, Caroline knows this is a come down from the FBI.
June 1, 2009 to June 5, 2009: Daniel and Chloe insist to Kate that she witnessed an innocent moment between them. Kate is unconvinced and nearly tells all to Lucas. Daniel takes Kate for a walk and reminds her of her promise to let this go. Kate appears to acquiesce, but she has her own plans. Meanwhile, Lucas presses Chloe to tell him what happened the night he was drinking. They fight, and she nearly tells him the truth but ultimately realizes she can't. They make up and wind up in a passionate kiss. Philip finally saves Stephanie from Owen after a tremendous struggle. Stephanie is not over all that has happened to her in the morgue, but for the moment, she wants to only think of Philip and the lovers kiss, reunited at last. Rafe starts his construction job at the pier. Arianna comes across him and blames Sami for causing him to lose his dream of being an FBI agent. Nicole is stunned by Stefano's bombshell that he knows the whole truth about Grace. EJ tells Stefano they have a problem regarding Owen. Stefano gets EJ to smuggle him out of the hospital and sets in motion a plan to ensure that Owen will never implicate the DiMeras.
June 8, 2009 to June 12, 2009: Nicole is ridden with guilt over the baby switch. Stefano decides not to tell EJ about the switch but instead tells EJ never to take Sydney for granted. Sami asks Rafe and Will to bring home Johnny and Allie. At the townhouse with her children, Sami shuts Rafe out and tells him that she and Will must talk to the twins as a family. Victor invites Brady back into the family. Rafe runs into Arianna, who worries about him and Sami. Meanwhile, Stefano confronts Nicole about the baby switch. Victor finds Caroline and tries to console her, saying he's still the man who fell in love with her years ago. Chelsea returns from London and surprises Max. The two make love. Chloe has a dream about Daniel. Chloe admits she is still in love with Daniel. Kate tells Lucas her intentions to mend fences with Chloe. Kate asks to meet with Daniel. When Kate is questioned by Daniel as to why she has come to see him, she covers and says that she wants to know if he'll consider coming on her show as a medical expert. Nicole expresses her concern that EJ will end up in jail for his role in Stephanie's kidnapping. Victor arrives at the DiMera mansion to extend an olive branch, also pointing out that Owen is ready to talk to the police.
June 15, 2009 to June 19, 2009: Rafe tells Arianna about Grace being Sami's biological daughter. Arianna is sympathetic when she learns the biological dad is a DiMera. But she still wishes Rafe would disentangle himself from Sami, fearing that he's repeating the past. Arianna runs into Brady at the Kiriakis mausoleum. Will reacts to the news that Grace is his biological sister. He asks why Sami lied about the adoption. Sami says she was protecting Grace from EJ. It's an emotional day for everyone. At the church, EJ serves Sami with papers giving him temporary full custody of Johnny. EJ tells Nicole about being Grace's dad. Nicole pretends to be stunned and privately reveals her panic to Stefano. Sami suffers a crushing loss. The Kiriakis family and the DiMera family call a truce. EJ demands it be brokered between him and Philip. Meanwhile, Stephanie has a vision of Owen and retreats to her medication by taking a pill. She goes to see Max. Max tells his ex goodbye and wishes her well. Kate plots her revenge against Daniel and Chloe, first by digging up info on how Daniel's ex-wife, Rebecca, died. Chloe confesses to Father Matt she's cheating on Lucas in her mind, and she's more in love with Daniel than ever. Kinsey tells Mia she ran into an old friend from Salem West, Chad Peterson. Kinsey notices Mia's reaction to the name. Maggie introduces Melanie to her grandson, Nathan, who's going to be living with them. Nathan has graduated from med school and will be working at Salem University Hospital.
June 22, 2009 to June 26, 2009: Mia's ex-boyfriend Chad returns to Salem, and she tries to make it clear she wants nothing to do with him. EJ promises Sami his temporary injunction giving him custody will become permanent and Sami will never see her son again. Angry, Sami rails on EJ, vowing to fight him. EJ threatens Rafe, and Sami is ultimately forced to say goodbye to Johnny. Later, Sami charges over to Philip and Stephanie's to ask for help in burying EJ. At the graveyard, Rafe finds an upset Nicole grieving over Grace. Arianna shows up and offers comfort to her brother. Daniel finds Stephanie unconscious and brings her to the ER, where he realizes she overdosed on her anti-anxiety meds. Bo has a vision of Zack telling him to hold onto Ciara's bear or something terrible will happen to Ciara. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger reads the article about Hope's donation to research for autism. Philip asks Lucas to be his best man.
June 29, 2009 to July 3, 2009: Nicole does a good deed by secretly taking Johnny to see Sami. Meanwhile, EJ and Stefano meet with Judge Fitzpatrick regarding the upcoming custody hearing. Later, when Nicole returns home with Johnny, she tells him their visit to see Sami has to remain their little secret just as EJ enters, possibly overhearing. Stephanie appeals to Father Matt for advice about her living the Kiriakis lifestyle, and with his help, she makes up her own decision about her life with Philip: She breaks things off with Philip. Sami goes to the graveyard to see Grace but is thrown to find Rafe at another grave. Sami questions Rafe about Nicole and, more importantly, Emily. She seems to let it go, only to ask Arianna about her later, and is shocked to find herself the object of Rafe's wrath when he catches her. Rafe vows to help Sami get Johnny back. After taking a bite of the poisoned fruit left by Kate, Chloe grows increasingly ill before collapsing in Daniel's arms.
July 6, 2009 to July 10, 2009: Max is leaving for London, and he and Caroline promote Arianna to manager of the Brady pub. Max says his final goodbyes to Caroline, Melanie and Bo. Rafe finally tells Sami that he was engaged to Emily and she died on their wedding day, and he doesn't talk about it because it's too painful. Sami is satisfied and vows to drop it. At the same time, Stefano gets information regarding Emily's death. Rafe burns an old newspaper article that reads his fiancee died under "mysterious circumstances." Brady and Arianna are irritated when they realize that Melanie has lured both of them to the Horton cabin. Melanie manages to get Arianna into Brady's arms, and they gravitate towards a kiss. Meanwhile, Nathan learns that Melanie went to the cabin without him. Nathan sets out after her and discovers her in the outdoor shower, naked. Mia is upset to learn that Chad has taken a job at Java Cafe, but she softens as they talk and she remembers their first meeting. Philip tells Stephanie he chooses her over his father. He will change for her. Stephanie knows he'll only resent her if he does that. Philip finally realizes their relationship is truly over. Kate continues her plot to kill Chloe and frame Daniel.
July 13, 2009 to July 17, 2009: Sami and EJ argue over Rafe moving in with Sami. EJ begrudgingly agrees to drop the custody battle. Rafe burns the clipping about Emily's death. Will stops by, and Rafe convinces him to forgive his mother. While thinking of his own past with Emily, Rafe points out everyone makes mistakes, and wishes they could have done things differently. Waiting in the park for Rafe, Sami sees a sobbing woman who utters "Emily." Brady goes to set up his date with Arianna, but she brushes him off. He figures it's because he's a recovering addict. Arianna "admits" she had an old boyfriend who happened to be an addict. After eating poisoned fruit planted by Kate, Chloe is brought to the hospital in bad shape. Kate splices together a tape and listens to a snippet in which Daniel seems to threaten Chloe. Stephanie is thrilled when she gets the administrative assistant job at the hospital. Philip tells Stephanie he will always love her, and Stephanie admits she will always love him, too. She tells Philip this is hard for her as well, but she can't be with him.
July 20, 2009 to July 24, 2009: Sami realizes that the crying woman at the cemetery is Emily's sister, Meredith. Sami tries to ask more questions about Emily's death, but Meredith rushes off. Sami goes to Roman and asks him to get some information about Meredith and family. Kate poisons the brownies on the talk show set and plans for Chloe's demise to occur on Daniel's last day of taping. When Daniel learns Chloe got sick again, he refuses to leave Salem until he figures out what's wrong. Chloe is moved to beg him to stay. She blurts that her near-death experience convinced her she should leave Lucas. She loves Daniel and wants to be with him forever. Daniel and Chloe give into their hearts, kissing and in effect recommitting to one another. Suddenly, Chloe collapses. Daniel runs her to the hospital, but nothing is working as he fights to save her. Chloe is in a coma. Daniel realizes that Kate poisoned Chloe. Philip throws himself into life after Stephanie. They run into each other at the hospital, and Stephanie realizes that Philip's on the hospital board and won't be "out of sight, out of mind."
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